Title: Heretic: Contention
Filename: levels/heretic/g-i/h-duel.zip
Size: 1.2 MB
Date: 02/22/11
Author: Matt "Peanut" Clauder
Description: A map set designed for duels (1v1), with varying themes ranging from E1M1, to episode 2 themes, and anything I could pull out of my hat.

Note: E1M3 is actually a tribute to the duel map "ssl2", for those who were wondering.
Credits: Esselfortium/Rottking for the texture set.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Nearly one year (even though it shouldn't have taken this long).
Editor(s) used: DoomBuilder 2, SlumpED.
Bugs: None that I know of, other than the visplane BLSANTRKANT on Dos.
Rating: (10 votes)

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