Title: Blood Church
Filename: levels/heretic/g-i/hblood.zip
Size: 217.64 KB
Date: 07/29/95
Author: Steve Parker
Description: D'sparill and his unholy minions have desecrated another of your sacred cathedrals, so it is up to you, heretic,to flush them all from the church of your forefathers. (I could've gotten cornier but you get the idea!!!!)
Credits: The guys at ID for creating such a cool game as Heretic in the first place!!!!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: HEU v 1.0b by Josh Martel & Tom Mustaine Wintex v 3.41 (EXCELLENT Program!!!!) by Olivier Montanuy Paint Shop Pro v 3.0
Bugs: slight slowdown in cathdral area, better since I used Reject by L. M. Witek
Rating: (5 votes)

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Not very engaging. The design is plain.x
Amateurish. (Music good.) 2 stars.x
Decent level. Music, slowly becomes a horrible plague of sonar proportions. 3/5x
Good level!x
Fair level, maybe a bit too easy and some texture misalignment bugs but it's allright. 3/5. ~Naanx

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