Title: Lhet

Dedicated to my father (yes, even hes an addict!) and all Heretic/Doom fans over the gl
Filename: levels/heretic/j-l/lhet400.zip
Size: 596.29 KB
Date: 06/20/01
Author: Luke Daniel Hutchings
Credits: Id Software and Raven for these incredible journies into other worldz! And all authors of the WAD toolz especially Ben Morris author of DCK.2.2 which I spent many an hour using!

Oh yeah, Kevin Schilder, for the original Hexen and Heretic music. Its incredible, gives me the shivers!! Boy, is that dude talented!
Base: Started from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Almost exclusively DCK2.2, Ted, Win/Deutex.
Bugs: As I said above, there were some major 'bombing out to Dos' bugs, (well they're not so much bugs as they are restrictions of the Doom Engine!) but I've tracked them down, I think there's still one on level 2 by the Large Red Crucifix, so save the game if you're in that area!

Theres also some visualization bugs on level 2 cos the engine is having difficulty displaying so many linedefs at once, however the game shouldn't bomb out here, I've tested it, the graphics just go a little haywire temporarily.
Rating: (4 votes)

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It must be the most difficult Heretic map I've played so far. That's what I call extreme gameplay, ammo and item have to be used wisely, plus Eternal Doom like puzzles and switches hunt, plus traps, lava chasms, crushing ceilings plus having to dodge the 2 maulotaurs in the beginning of the first level. The level itself don't look that bad, but I clearly saw better, preventing this wad to be ranked as 'Legendary'. 5/5 nonetheless. ~Naanx

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