Title: Candy choppers
Filename: levels/heretic/p-r/pc_hert1.zip
Size: 24.13 KB
Date: 06/08/01
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Description: My first released Heretic level, replaces E2M1. Very small. Gameplay probably not perfect, I don't know much about Heretic. But I tried to make it an okay level.
Base: New level from scratch Build Time 1-2 hours Editor(s) used Doomcad 6.1 and BSP 3.0 Known Bugs None
Build time: 1-2 hours Editor(s) used Doomcad 6.1 and BSP 3.0 Known Bugs None
Editor(s) used: Doomcad 6.1 and BSP 3.0 Known Bugs None
Bugs: None
Rating: (5 votes)

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Nice design and use of Wings of Wrath, but it's so short! Took me less than 5 minutes to complete it. If it was longer I'd give it a 4 out of 5.x
meh design good monsters little more and more weapons and perhaps a custom monster (1) 3/5x
cool levelx
Average little map, well rounded, looks fine but maybe quite easy to complete. 4/5. ~Naanx

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