Title: |
Satan's Dominion Series |
Filename: |
levels/heretic/s-u/satan_01.zip |
Size: |
48.46 KB |
Date: |
08/09/95 |
Author: |
Eric K. Kostrowski |
Description: |
Running... Hiding... They're everywhere... Running... Death everywhere... Home, safety.. Safe finnally, all my friends killed, my family... Satan, he found me, I can't hide. He has me. Darkness... Awakening. A cell, an unlocked door. Where am I? A window, demons and devils everywhere, Hell. I must escape, to preserve the life... Adventure through the Outpost in Hell, the first mission in the Satan's Dominion Series. Can you escape? |
Credits: |
Base: |
New level from scratch |
Build time: |
15 Hours |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
This mission was created on a Pentium 90, and therefore may run slow on other computers. Please contact me if bugs are found. |
Rating: |
(1 vote)
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| Architecture is pretty bland, but not outright ugly, while the gameplay is quite bad, with scattered monsters and poor weapon/ammo balance making for a map that's difficult in the wrong sort of way. The uninteresting mediocrity is punctuated with a puzzle that's clever in theory, but tedious in practice. | x |
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