Title: |
The Indespensible T_DUNNxx.WAD Series - For Heretic |
Filename: |
levels/heretic/s-u/t_dunn03.zip |
Size: |
31.83 KB |
Date: |
06/22/97 |
Author: |
Travers Dunne & Alister Dunne |
Description: |
My one and only Heretic level, ive tried several more but lost interest (or the plot). Nonetheless its a good level and i prefer over my Doom series counterparts, yikes! My Doom and Doom2 levels can be found in T_DUNN01.WAD and T_DUNN02.WAD respectively. |
Credits: |
Thanks to Raven for creating Heretic & Hexen. And kudos to all those smart people out there, you know who you are, who created the tools we used. |
Base: |
New levels from scratch |
Build time: |
Please don't ask... ok LOTS |
Editor(s) used: |
Doom Construction Kit |
Bugs: |
None |
Rating: |
(4 votes)
Download mirrors:
/idgames protocol:
| Rather brief, but not too bad. Good for a quick 5 minutes. | x | |
| Nice level | x | |
| nice map ****+ | x |
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