Title: 4 Weeks of Pain
Filename: levels/hexen/0-9/4weeks.zip
Size: 3.64 MB
Date: 11/28/19
Author: Gothic
Description: A 28 level megawad for Hexen to be played on GZDoom, made in a month for the NaNoWADMo challenge by Ryath. The levels are meant to be short and simple.
Credits: Extra graphics: Raven Software (Heretic, Shadowcaster, Mageslayer & Necrodome), Epic (Unreal), Lobotomy Software (Powerslave/Exhumed).

Inferno Demon by Maelstrom (or Maelstorm?), taken from the Realm667 Beastiary.

Music credits: Daggerfall, Lands of Lore 1 & 2, StoneKeep, Dungeon Master 2, Mageslayer & Extreme Assault. Thanks to Mirsoft for providing access to MIDIs from various old games. Title song: No Survivors by Bjorn Lynne (https://www.lynnemusic.com/).

Big thanks to ShadesMaster and seed for streaming an early version of my mod.
Base: New from scratch.
Build time: 1 month, plus like a week of extra work.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade3, Paint.net.
Bugs: Fish behavior may be a little erratic. Hub 3 Map 5: The pusher traps sometimes desyncs due to players delaying the polyobjects by blocking them. Save constantly on that map to avoid frustration.

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