Title: Deadlok1
Filename: levels/hexen/deathmatch/d-f/deadlok1.zip
Size: 83.71 KB
Date: 04/18/20
Author: sverre kvernmo
Description: Small but detailed level intended mostly for deathmatch but also made playable as a quick blast in single or co-op mode. Somehow never uploaded this to idgames.
Credits: Greg Hyne for playtesting and advice. Antony Burden, for the DETH editor. Marc Rousseau for ZENNODE. Derek 'Afterglow' MacDonald for uploading Ceri Bergum-Hammond, that I mistakenly must have edited out from playtesting credits for my Cabal map "the_evil.wad". Sorry Ceri! Skilled beta-testers were hard to come by back then. ETTiNGRiNDER from Doomworld - the last in a long line of people asking me to get this map up on idgames.
Base: from scratch
Build time: The better part of a week, April '95.
Editor(s) used: DETH 2.67 (containing HETH 0.13 & ZENNODE 0.95)
Bugs: none (well, I did _intend_ that chasm jump to be jumpable in multiplayer, but oh well)

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