Title: Hexen Is Cool.. Hey.. you try to think up one for this one..
Filename: levels/hexen/deathmatch/g-i/hexcoo.zip
Size: 8.33 KB
Date: 10/27/95
Author: Andy Kendall
Description: A small level for Hexen that's just plain cool.. heh.. I tried to make it look like it says iD.. cuz Id helped Raven with this awesome game..
Credits: Raven for making the best 3d game yet..
Base: Built from scratch.. yes, I did say "scratch"
Build time: Prolly 1 hr.. (Hex editing mostly)
Editor(s) used: Deth 2.666 a cool new DEU looking editor, some nifty Nodes builder (Zen095.zip), and a hex editor cuz Deth doesn't put in the right stuff for the "When appears" flag..
Bugs: None that I know of.. (Email..:))

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