Title: Hexhell.wad('Hell' stands for HELL if I know what to name this!)
Filename: levels/hexen/deathmatch/g-i/hexhell.zip
Size: 42.4 KB
Date: 12/10/95
Author: Enahs or Shane which ever one you like better
Description: This is my first released HeXen wad. Strictly for Deathmatch! Takes place in a creepy fog covered forest controled by a evil, sadistic Bloodlusting ruler(me!) Lots of scripts, lots of weapons, lots of action, and lots of fun.
Credits: Raven, especially Eric Biessman from Raven who helped me with a few Script questions, iD of course, Makers of HETH, Makers of HCK, Makers of WARM, and My Parents for making me. =)-I--<
Base: New level from scratch of course!
Build time:
Editor(s) used: HETH, HCK(a little), ACC for the scripts.WARM for the nodes.(seems to work a little better than Zen.) Microsoft Notepad for making this Text File.
Bugs: You might find a few misaligned textures. It just takes too damn long to align all those textures.(I did align most of them though)
Rating: (7 votes)

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I have no idea what this is but ever since I downloaded it my tears taste different.x
Before Q2DM1, "The Edge"... Before DM3, "The Abandoned Base"... There was "Hexhell," by Enahs.x
Graphics suck like shitx

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