Title: Hexen: Mission Arrgh
Filename: levels/hexen/g-i/hexmiss.zip
Size: 69.16 KB
Date: 11/19/95
Author: Andy Kendall
Description: I made this level mainly for single player.. but it is fun in Deathmatch also.. I think Hexen has more possibilities for single player levels than Deathmatch (and is a little more fun ), but they all are cool.. This level is a lot bigger than any of my other levels out there so far, and so far the one with the most scripts..
Credits: Raven for making the best 3d game yet.. Antony J. Burden for 'Heth'.. the coolest editor for Hexen..
Base: Built from Scratch..
Build time: about 10 hrs..
Editor(s) used: Heth v.013 and Heth 1.01. Zennode
Bugs: None that I know of.. (Email..:))
Rating: (7 votes)

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A short, gimmicky level that seems more like a showcase of the author's scripting than something fun to play. Looks aren't awful, but too square as noted above.x
A nice level. Not very impressive, but good.x
Way too Bland. Very boxy map. Short. Unimaginitive. Good use of effects though ie. Scripts etc.x

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