Title: The Slot Machine of Chaos
Filename: levels/hexen/s-u/slot.zip
Size: 10.49 KB
Date: 07/09/96
Author: Phil Roberts
Description: Like nothing you've ever played before! Using the "random" function a great deal, I have created a cool (but small) level with a 'one-armed bandit'-style slot machine which, when the lever is pulled, selects 3 pictures from each wheel of 6 pictures - and you win a "prize" (nice or nasty!) for two of a kind or three of a kind. Only one combination gives you the key to the level end, however! Lots of nice sparky explosion effects, too...
Credits: Raven, DCK v3.61
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Dck v6.31
Bugs: None - mail me!
Rating: (3 votes)

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Nice one; thanks for sharing. I played until the game summoned up two monsters and I got nailed. Not Cool, guys. 4/5 for the concept; I dinged one star for the game summoning monsters. This is the first non-Doom custom wad I've played; I hope to download and play more. Thanks, uploader.x
A Hexen PWAD from the days when ACS was new and incredible and people were experimenting with the possibilities; in this case, implementing a slot machine game. It's aged badly, because, while clever, it's terribly boring. You can stand in the corner and the traps won't hit you, and like a real slot machine, you can play and play and not win the jackpot (but at least you get unlimited chances here). I give it 2 for creativity but strictly play-wise it's more of a 1.x
A mini-game of sorts. Get all three wheels on "artifact" to win. Innovative, but in my opinion not all that fun.x

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