Title: DMXOPL v2.10
Filename: music/dmxopl.zip
Size: 5.5 KB
Date: 05/30/17
Author: ConSiGno
Description: This is a GENMIDI patch for DMX for OPL3 FM synthesis. This patch aims to remedy the "weak" default instruments to better match the Roland Sound Canvas, most notably the SC-55 and SC-88. Recommended minimum setup for no note-cuts is ZDoom 2.8.1 with DOSBOX OPL3 emulator core, with 6 chips emulated. See the README for additional details.
Credits: Wohlstand, Bisqwuit, Fraggle, Esselfortium, Jimmy, The Fat Man, Diode Milliampere, Patchouli, Graf Zahl, Randi, Fisk, Stewboy, Xaser, Minigunner, Altazimuth, MTrop, Quasar, Glaice, BlastFrog, Vogons Forums, AtariAge, NintendoAge, and John Chowning, the father of FM synthesis. Extra Thanks to Doomworld Forums and the IRC/DISCORD channels, Giest118, Nuke.YKT, kode54, Patch93, GYRIDION, MovieMovies, Gali, Infurnus, Papiezak, and OlPainless. YMF262 forever.
Build time: About 5 years
Editor(s) used: Hex Editors, OPL3 Bank Editor, Fraggle's Python scripts, Adlib Tracker II, Edlib, ADLMidi
Bugs: Due to the number of pseudo 4-op voices, certain notes may cut sooner than they would have using the stock patches. Most of Doom and Doom 2 play just fine. Depending on your CPU, there may be skips in the sound due to buffer underrun, as this patch takes more channels than the stock GENMIDI.

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