Title: Plutonia MIDI Pack
Filename: music/plutmidi.zip
Size: 223.52 KB
Date: 10/08/13
Author: Jimmy & various
Description: One thing that separates the two halves of Final Doom is that TeamTNT composed many original tracks for Evilution, and I think that this added greatly to its originality and charm, even if some of the MIDIs were really short and/or just not that great. So, what if Dario and Milo Casali were musicians themselves, or what if they had other musicians - perhaps even TNT's music team, or even Bobby Prince himself - on board with the project to provide an original soundtrack to the maps of the Plutonia Experiment?

This project is the Doomworld community's answer to that.
Credits: Every one of you who contributed. Great work, everyone! :D
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Development started on 13 March 2013.
Editor(s) used: Various
Rating: (41 votes)

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