Title: Rebirth MIDI Pack
Filename: music/rebmidi.zip
Size: 460.03 KB
Date: 04/08/20
Author: Jimmy & various
Description: Riding on the coat-tails of the last two community- made MIDI Packs, this project, like them, seeks for the community's finest musos to compose a megawad's worth of original MIDI music for 2003 megawad "Doom 2: The Rebirth" by Björn Ostmann, aka Vader.

As "The Rebirth" already contains a select few new tracks of its own, this pack contains slightly fewer pieces than usual and is NOT a full replacement. It is, however, still a full resource of custom music for you to use in your own projects.
Credits: Every one of you who contributed. Great work, all! :D

Vader for endorsement and feedback!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Development started on 1 February 2017.
Editor(s) used: Various MIDI sequencers

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