Title: TNT MIDI Pack
Filename: music/tntmidi.zip
Size: 633.16 KB
Date: 08/04/21
Author: Cammy et al.
Description: Eight years since the Plutonia MIDI pack and twenty-five years since the release of Final Doom... I always wondered where the love for the elder sister in the Final Doom family was hiding. Following in the footsteps of the MIDI Pack boom we've been enjoying this year, I recruited a roster of MIDI composers old and new and got the ball rolling. Never guessed it would have rolled this far.

After over two decades spent coasting on Doom II reprises and antiquated home-brews, it's finally happened. TNT: Evilution has a high-quality, custom-made, full MIDI soundtrack that blends classic tunes with modern sensibilities for a one-of-a-kind synergy. You're in for a treat.
Credits: Jimmy for the inspiration, Peter for help with the DW thread's graphics, Lippeth and DCG Retrowave for testing with vanilla software, Cecy, Jackson, and Andie for their moral support, and every one of the composers who helped make this phenomenal final product come to life!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~4 months to first release, 5 to final release
Editor(s) used: Sekaiju, GuitarTux, FL Studio, GarageBand, etc.

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