Filename: sounds/goons.zip
Size: 656.59 KB
Date: 08/22/94
Description: Things have got desperate.... The british army has been called in to clear up the sewers under London. You are Major Dennis Bloodnock of the Third Disgusting Fusiliers, a slightly deranged british commando. Armed only with a used wire brush and disinfectant you must attempt to expunge all nasties from the East Finchley sewer system. No job for a boy scout!

These insane sounds were the creation of Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan, and Harry Secombe, under the guidance of Spike Milligan. The world is a richer place for their efforts.

The idea for this project was inspired by the PYTHON sounds produced by... Solomon White, Adam IsGreen & Andre Vrignaud.
("BB Boom Da Da Bing" and "RIGHT!!". All we can say is.. "Nice one centurian")
There WAD file was modified using DMAUD.EXE by Bill Neisius.
Thanks a ton guys!!
Credits: artistic guidance from G.B.H
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Rating: (1 vote)

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