Title: Boom Edit Example Wad
Filename: themes/TeamTNT/boom/boomedit.zip
Size: 213.19 KB
Date: 05/27/98
Author: Jim Flynn
Description: The wad shows many of the effects possible with the BOOM engine, and uses text signs to label them, and where appropriate the linedef type number used to produce them. Reference information on specific linedefs can be found in BOOMREF.TXT in EDITUTIL.ZIP at http://www.teamtnt.com.
Credits: Lee Killough, Joachim Otahal, Rich Brennan, Stan Gula, Tom Neff
Base: New level for Phase I BOOM engine Requires DOOM2.wad
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deth 4.14, Patcher
Bugs: None
Rating: (16 votes)

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Too bad all these Boom projects don't use more of this stuff.x
Very useful for teaching Boom features. x
wad shows what you can do with boom. I was using it so often, never voted for this - now,... 5*x
nice! very useful tutorial, im mapping on Boom format, i really like boom settings, so, i decided to make a map, but there are a lot of things that i don't know about boom, thanks!.x
Does what the tin says.x

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