Title: Dawning
Filename: themes/TeamTNT/boom/dawning.zip
Size: 185.34 KB
Date: 05/27/98
Author: Gary Gosson
Credits: Jim Flynn, Rand Phares Lee Killough, Ty Halderman, Len Pitre Blake Linton Wilfong and Bryan Shelton
Base: New level for Phase 1 release of Boom Requires Doom2.wad
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deth 4.xx, Dck 2.2, Patcher,Cled, Zennode, and Windcc
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)

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Early Boom WAD showing lots of engine tricks, with a 3D bridge, a deep-water moat, a swirling vortex, and more. Starts off kind of tough, as you struggle in the deep water, but levels out later. Path forward is rarely clear, with keys spawning in arbitrary places, and computer screens acting as switches. Overall, neat for observing Boom's editing features, but kind of a so-so play. 3/5 -VVx

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