Title: The Return
Filename: themes/TeamTNT/return/retres.zip
Size: 3.64 MB
Date: 10/09/99
Author: TeamTNT
Description: So what is "The Return"?

It's several things, but it's mostly a set of resources from the folks who brought you Eternal DOOM and the BOOM engine. In addition there will be levels from a variety of people, and you can be one of those yourself. Read on.

Note: No levels are included in this ZIP file.

We have received many requests over the years to use material from the mega-release Eternal DOOM. You know what we mean - the cool railings, breakable glass, and awesome textures - everything from Medieval to High Tech.

So here is our gift to you:

We are releasing the entire Eternal DOOM Resource WAD as a publicly available resource. That's right! Now you can use the entire Eternal DOOM resource (plus all the new resources released for "The Return") to decorate your levels.
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Excellent, but dated.x
Some good textures in here, some bad, some ripped.x
Excelent resource wad. Lots of textures,various themes. Maybe not the best art, but one the best all-around texture packs. The only thing i dont like is the restrictive "license" 5 stars for me. I don't care about its age :)x
Lots of textures, true, but many are dated. TeamTNT doesn't exactly produce quality art (see Daedalus) with some exceptions. Good if you want to build some castles and not rip Hexen's textures (though there are some Raven textures here as well :P ) 3 stars due to age.x
Have it but find it completley useless. Too many textures. Also too many of them are more darkbrownmedieva l based. -Killmur-x
An excellent resource wad.x

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