Title: Zeke's original Molotov Cocktail from Mac Batman Doom
Filename: themes/batman/macmoltv.zip
Size: 1.59 KB
Date: 12/26/18
Author: David Aramant
Description: The original Mac version of Batman Doom had an alternate effect for Zeke's Molotov Cocktail. Instead of the bottle spawning a single flame, it causes a multitude of flames to appear. This turns out to be a clever (ab)use of the Pain Elemental death code pointer, relying on vanilla Doom's hardcoded 21 Lost Soul limit to stop spawning new flames.

ACE Team decided to disable this effect for the original PC release since they required Boom to work around another Dehacked issue. Boom removes the Lost Soul cap and causes this effect to crash the game.

With fraggle's earlier fix to allow vanilla Doom to run Batman Doom (see vbatman.zip), it's now possible to restore the original Mac Molotov Cocktail behavior to the PC version.

NOTE: This patch will CRASH any port that removes the Lost Soul limit! This includes ZDoom and Boom! Use with Chocolate Doom or a similar vanilla-ish port.

USE: Apply it after batman.deh and vbatman.deh
Credits: Scuba Steve for kicking off this investigation Revenant100 for figuring out how the effect worked And of course ACE Team for Batman Doom!
Base: Mac Batman Doom
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