Title: NUTS: Chex 3 Edition
Filename: themes/chex/chex_nuts.zip
Size: 23.81 KB
Date: 02/09/20
Author: kinker31
Description: This is it.

You have volunteered to zap back the final wave of flemoids that threaten Chex World and Bazoik at large. Before you stand their last-ditch "Hail Mary" attempt at taking over the world, e.g. a really, really, REALLY huge wave of flemoids. Your goal is to zap-back them all, or at least enough that you get get to the switch that'll activate the Orbital Zorch Cannon.

The future is up to you.
Godspeed, you lunatic.

Also, don't take this too seriously.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A few hours, give or take one.
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder + SLADE3
Bugs: oh god so many flemoids my gpu is fried help me

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