Title: Chex Quest: The Penultimate Breakfast
Filename: themes/chex/chextpb.zip
Size: 3.54 MB
Date: 12/27/23
Author: Andrea Rovenski
Description: A 40-map megawad for the original CHEX.WAD from the cereal boxes of 1996 sporting many new episodes that attempt to make the best out of the very limited texture set of the original game with very few additions. Each episode follows the structure of the original game, being only 5 maps long and no secret levels. The goal of this wad is to emulate the original style and expand upon some of the themes present from the game into more in-depth adventures. If you like Chex Quest and wanted something more, this is the spot to go. I haven't played anything other than the original Chex Quest while making this, so it was my only frame of reference for this project.
Credits: Music for episode 5 from AALIENS.WAD. Music for episode 7 from Gubble. Some resources pulled from CHEX3.WAD
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 26 Days featuring a big break in the middle.
Editor(s) used: UDB, SLADE3
Bugs: only if you play without a limit-removing port

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