Title: Star Trek - Doom Invasion
Filename: themes/startrek/trkdom11.zip
Size: 498.07 KB
Date: 02/05/95
Author: Thomas Spaulding and Grant Jacobs
Description: Stardate 46154.2

Captain Picard recording:

The Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) has been attacked by aliens from a group called the Underworld Alliance. They surrounded the ship with a nebula-like energy cloud rendering our phasers and photons useless. A boarding party came aboard next. After a fierce firefight, the crew has been forced to abandon ship. We managed to shutdown the warp core prior to leaving the ship, however, I must accept responsibility for not initiating the self-destruct sequence before the Aliens gained control of the Engineering and Bridge sections. The ship is adrift in the Velera system.

Just before Lt. Commander Data departed the ship, he reported the aliens had begun to modify the ship, converting it to what he theorized was more like their homeworld. This was mainly in the lower decks and engineering compartments.

Starfleet has authorized the use of "whatever means necessary" to remove the aliens from the ship and regain control. A new group of elite Starfleet Commandos (THAT'S YOU) has just arrived and are going to attempt to retake the ship. If they are unble to, we will be forced to destroy the Enterprise.

Sensor analysis indicates the aliens are not vulnerable to phaser fire, but that they can be killed by more crude means, namely projectile weapons, rockets, and phased plasma energy patterned after the Ghym'Hadar. Due to the shielding placed by the aliens, transporting will be difficult. Chief O'Brien, just arrived from Deep Space Nine, states that inanimate objects may rematerialize in various parts of the ship. So, even if the Commandos are fully loaded, they may have to hunt for their weaponry once aboard the Enterprise.

The Commandos have one hour to retake the ship before I must order its destruction. Repeated efforts at communication haved failed and Counselor Troi has sensed only "pure evil" from the ship.

Good luck! And remember the clock is ticking!
Credits: id for Doom, Bill Neisius (bill@solaria.hac.com) for DoomGraph 1.1 and DmAudio 1.1, Colin Reed colin@argonaut.com for Bsp1.2, Brendon Wyber and Raphael Quinet for Deu 5.21gcc, Jens Hykkelbjerg: hykkelbj@daimi.aau.dk for rmb12.
Base: New level from scratch. Started out as DoomI but later changed to Doom II for the greater use of monsters, weapons and graphics. Then due to a great amount of requests converted back to Doom I having to redraw the Warp nacelles and the end level over.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: See the addirional credits
Bugs: None that we found!
Rating: (6 votes)

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Horribly amateurish level. Awful map layout, quite poor new textures, void decoration, and hopeless ambiance. Gameplay consists of walking around through underpopulated corridors, not knowing where to go and what to do. Overall: 0.5 for the map + 0.5 for the effort = small 1*. Note: I accidentally found the BFG after 38 seconds... :facepalm:x
What can I say?x
This is a nostalgic trip back into the 1990s, when there was a 1-to-1 overlap between computer users, sci-fi fans, and Doom level designers. This is a large, open-plan map with ugly textures. It plays like one of those university / hotel levels, just a lot of corridors with rooms along the sides. The auto-opening doors are a pain to go through. It's a tedious experience that turned me off within a minute or so and never turned me on again.x

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