Title: Tab25 Level
Filename: themes/tab/tab25.zip
Size: 70.96 KB
Date: 05/08/97
Author: Michael Contorno
Description: Typically as great as the others, Tab 25 does not disappoint the Doom player looking for an excellent single player level. Special thanks goes to Alan Hicks for play testing all Michael Contorno levels.
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Rating: (3 votes)

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This was a nice map ya made here! It was short & simple, the level designing was also detailed! The only thing that could have been fixed was the metal fence at the beginning, it's a little off and doesn't connect to the other fences. But still, this was a nice little level you made! Had fun playing it, although the lack of any info (description, base, etc.) made me suspect it was another Terry wad, but nope. Just a normal Doom map! ~MTX1996x

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