Title: |
DOOM2: Tab29 |
Filename: |
themes/tab/tab29.zip |
Size: |
42.27 KB |
Date: |
05/08/97 |
Author: |
Michael Contorno |
Description: |
As 29th in the Tab series, this one doesn't quite make it up there with the
others. Though not a bad wad by any means (None of the Tabs are.), this one
employes standard tricks such as a key cards placed out in the open, designed
to have players run out into the open to nab it, only to find them selves
under a hail of fire from all sides. |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(6 votes)
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| enjoyable old school map. | x | |
| Fun, but averege desing. Lifts are lower unpegged, what doesn't look good. Short, healthpacks and ammo are in sufficient level. 3/5 | x | |
| A simple but fun '96 wad. I give it a 3 ~Joe Anderson | x | |
| October 1996. Another one of the solid, unspectacular Tab series. You fight 92 baddies in an anonymous dungeon-style level. I dock half a star for having a power-up directly behind the start position - a cliche from the dawn of time that even appears in id=14 - but add half a star for some decent elevator trap. You get loads more weapons than you need. All the lifts are unpegged, which looks odd. Still, it's competent, it entertained me. | x |
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