Title: The Backfire of Project Albert at UAC Base #400
Filename: themes/terrywads/aluac400.zip
Size: 644.16 KB
Date: 11/03/14
Author: John Wilson
Description: At UAC Base #400, a mishap has occured when testing Project Albert, a top-secret airplane with technology never seen before. Demons broke into the teleportation system on board, killing the crew members due for the test flight and broke into the base, and slaughtered every man and woman there.

The demons are ones never seen in history, and you will probably have a tough time trying to fight them, as you will be working alone trying to kill these demons and restore Project Albert so that UAC can work on it and fix the holes.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 Months
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder and Slade 3
Bugs: Since some of the demons use variables, Zandronum and Skulltag are no-no's.
Rating: (6 votes)

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