Title: Chemical Station 474
Filename: themes/terrywads/chemstat.zip
Size: 175.34 KB
Date: 08/15/14
Author: James Kurtwick
Description: This is my first wad for vanilla doom. I didn't test it with the original EXE but it works with Chocolate Doom. I'm not very good at detailing and it's a little short, but I hopy you enjoy it!
Credits: The level's music is from DOOM's E1, and I recolored a waterfall texture from there as well.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About a month
Editor(s) used: XWE, SLADE, Doom Builder 1, ChocoRenderLimits
Bugs: There are some places wheren players can get stuck in coop.
Rating: (7 votes)

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I'd rather cram a knife down my throat than play this crappy terry goatpuke -9000000000/10x
Ignoring the Terry trap, the map has a classic feel to it and is fun to play. 4/5x
We will unfortunately never know who ACTUALLY made this amazing WAD.x
shitty terrywadx
Just as I thought, it's the exact same as the other chemstat.wad, but it doesn't mess up your settings. It also takes up less space on your hard drive. -Randumbx

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