Title: Freezing Death - Murmansk Flak Tower #24
Filename: themes/terrywads/fr_death.zip
Size: 461.92 KB
Date: 03/10/15
Author: Nigel "Masked Doomer" Cooke
Description: This is my second wad, this one has a winter theme to it. This wad is even better than my first one, and it gets even better the closer to the ending you get. I worked quite hard to get the difficulty levels to work, especially when it bugged out and I had to RESET IT ALL.

==STORY== You are going with your squad to close a demon gate in Murmansk. Your crew has to split up, and the story begins from there. =========

I hope you enjoy this Doom wad, I spent a lot of time on it!
Credits: Various for textures
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 3 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE
Bugs: One of the cutscene messes up sometimes
Rating: (4 votes)

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