Title: Temple of Chaos
Filename: themes/terrywads/tmoc.zip
Size: 339.65 KB
Date: 11/22/14
Author: Mark "Thomson" Jones (aka Terry)
Description: The UAC has once again taken it upon themselves to experiment with teleportation. Believing that they have succeeded this time, they sent in an entire team of researchers and marines. However, instead of arriving at the destination platform, they mysteriously vanished. It is up to you, UAC's strongest marine, to find out what happened.

What unworldly horrors await you at your destination?
Credits: id Software and the creators of the various Doom ports.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Three months.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2 and XWE
Bugs: None that I know of.
Rating: (6 votes)

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Terrywad. Do not download and stay away from this shit like this!x
Fantastic stuff.x
Instant classic! 5/5 -Treyeon Cuberx

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