Title: SEXY GIRLS, pick-up the most provocative items you can ;)
Filename: themes/x-rated/i_am_old_enough_to_look_at_this/sexygirl.zip
Size: 64.48 KB
Date: 04/03/01
Author: Javier Fernando Almenara Otoya, Ruddy Palacios Rodriguez.
Description: A file that contains some new items changes, that are now some SeXy Girls, which are waiting for you :) You can use any engine to play this WAD file; of course to allow the use of the '-Deh' paramater, you should use an engine like BooM, Legacy or ZDooM.
Credits: LionHeart TM. and to all the persons that have developed that useful Tools to Change and Replace the DooM Textures (WinTex specially and much others...) Oh sure, iD Soft. for their DooM & DooM ][
Base: The girls found on Duke Nukem visiting now the DooM Scenaries.
Build time: More than 03 (three) hours.
Editor(s) used: WinTex 4.3, CorelDraw 7, Deep 8.84
Bugs: Well... anyone we hope!
Rating: (12 votes)

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i'm sorry but this sucks! i've seen the babes before...oh yes, ripped from DUKE NUKEM 3D!!!x
Not bad, but would be better as part of a mod or something. The music sounds like something from a 16-bit console game.x
If I recall correctly, these are actually the stripper ladies from Duke Nukem 3D, which is why they look competently well-done. It's not very good though, especially given that it came out as recently as 2001.x
Un Wad qui ne fait juste que ramplacer certain item par des poupoune de Duke 2/5 - Eye'sx
Hmm.... this isn't porn.... though the girls look good because they weren't a victim to Doom's pallete, like other wads. Which brings be to another thing- If you make a Porn Wad, PLEASE supply the fleshtone colors. who wants to see an orange and pink girl?x

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