Title: 100 Line Christmas (Community Project)
Filename: themes/xmas/100lnmas.zip
Size: 4.87 MB
Date: 01/04/23
Author: Arsinikk and others
Description: Merry Christmas everyone! :D

100 Line Christmas is a mini community project targeting Vanilla Doom 2 (complevel 2). The project is inspired by Arsinikk and NinjaDelphox's 100 Line Massacre.

As the 100 in the title suggests, each map was limited to 100 lines at most. Mappers were only given one week to make maps for the project.

The megawad comes with 30 maps (28 normal + 2 secret) from the Doomworld Community! All maps were designed with pistol start in mind, though continuous play is perfectly fine. Each map should take around 2-5 minutes to finish.

List of mappers: big smoke, Cacodemon187, Blue Phoenix, DrJordo, Andrea Rovenski, Rivi the Warlock, NinjaDelphox, EnGIneREdonE, Pistoolkip, Peccatum Mihzamiz, Arsinikk, NiGHTS108, tonytheparrot, ThatKidBobo, NeedHealth, Large Cat, DukeOfDoom, 4shockblast, Qeswic, Dark Pulse, Dreadopp, Lord_Z, Walter Confetti, HiRon, SuperPecanMan, and Codename_Delta.

Version 1.1 allows for MAP25 to be UV-Maxed and refreshes some of the sprites and textures.
Credits: - Additional textures, flats, Sprites, and sounds from DOOM CHRISTMAS [doomxmas.wad] - Ice Textures from OTEX
Base: New from scratch
Build time: One week.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade3, Adobe Photoshop, WhackEd4, Dehacked, eevee Doom Text Generator
Bugs: - Some maps may have some minor sprite flickering in Vanilla. (MAP25 especially) [MAP27 is limit-removing for this reason] - Let us know if you come across any bugs in any of the maps.

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