Title: 12 MORE Days of Doommas
Filename: themes/xmas/12moredays.zip
Size: 5.28 MB
Date: 07/15/22
Author: Various, compiled by BluePineapple72
Description: 12 MORE Days of Doommas is the fourteenth edition of PUSS, BluePineapple72's monthly speedmapping series. These maps were built with the Doomxmas resources; a beautiful vanilla modification pack paletted to a range of whites to off whites and containing a vast array of sprite modifications.

Maps were designed for pistol start. Via MAPINFO, pistol starts are enforced on Zdoom based ports. Jumping and Crouching are disabled for all maps.

It was created in December 2021 with the following rules: - 12 Barrels O' Fun - 11 Former Humans - 10 Beefy Barons - 9 Cell Charge Packs - 8 Hours of Mapping - 7 Crushing Ceilings - 6 Secret Sectors - 5 ARCH-VILES - 4 Voodoo Dolls - 3 Doomcute thingies - 2 Cyberdemons - 1 Bone Closet in a Trick Door

There are 11 maps, and they are considerable less difficult than PUSS IV.
Credits: Doomxmas - Compiled by DoomKid Titlepic - Muumi Interpic - Man With Gun Logo - BluePineapple72
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 8 Non consecutive hours from December 1 - 25
Editor(s) used: UDB , Slade , DB2 , Photoshop , Notepad , GIMP,
Bugs: My stocking was full of coal this year >:(

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