Title: Clipster Wonkels Presents A Bonecrushing Pizza Clipmas!
Filename: themes/xmas/pizzamas.zip
Size: 1.96 MB
Date: 12/20/22
Author: Clippy Clippington & Wilster Wonkels
Description: An evil pizza something er other take over christmas So there is you in the mall shopping for gifts but for yourself u selfish bastard but there demons also at mall and will mess u up bro - pizza on the walls what can it mean - you die and end up at some kind of alcoholic Christmas dinner but dont worry u have a giant candy cane smack smack pow what the - pizza dimention bleeding through - rising pepperoni - on no now you're in a pizza and this pizza HURTS extra habenaro peppers all over u BAM now ur in the giant pizza and santa army cyberdemon archie barrels oh oh back to the mall but its full of guts and u gunna die - eat pizza save christmas u decide - g'night
Credits: - doomkid christmas resources - sandwedge n all the wonder ppl of doomworld

oh Lady Mist Dragon did them demos


1 Attention Shoppers by Wilster Wonkels 2 The Game by Ricky Honmong, MIDI by mxbobbie49 3 Loose God by Wilster Wonkels 4 Carol Of The Bells 5 Senister by Wilster Wonkels

TITLE Santa Claus is Comming To Town but Jazzy

BEtween Levels So This is Chritsmas
Base: New from scratch
Build time: under 2 days super spontanious action
Editor(s) used: UDB and I dunno what Wilster did prolly UDB u ask him
Bugs: I hate it when there olives on my pizza and I did n ask for this so they delivered it and my poor wife had to pick them off - I threw them in the woods

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