Title: XMas-themed .wad compilation
Filename: themes/xmas/xmasadon.zip
Size: 3.41 MB
Date: 12/31/13
Author: mallo
Description: Christmas are very soon, but you still aren't in a Christmas mood? Well, try playing Doom with this! This probably won't help, but will still be pretty fun.

Basically, I've taken resources from various Christmas-themed .wads, and put them all in one awfully big file. Also, I've made one or two graphics (like new Cacobauble's sprites, or voxel presents).

This is supposed to work with every map that doesn't change textures and Zombieman's and Baron of Hell's sprites. (If it changes only the textures and sprites, just change the load order.)
Credits: The creators of the WADs I've taken resources and/or ideas from (this is going to be long):

- Tormentor667 and AcidFlash for "X-Mas deathmatch"

- Chrozoron, Gemini, Darkfang and Zsignal for "XMas Doom 99"

- SillySft, Mal, FireHawk, Vortex, Lithium, ChainsawJim, VT102 and Hygelic for "XMas Doom"

- Martin Hajek and Harry Nurmohamed for "X-Mas Nightmare"

- Joe Wilcox, V. Andre Lowe, Mark Gundy, and H2HMud for "H2H-XMas" (or should I say, Santa Claus graphics from it.)

- Mem Scuba Steve, Enjay and WViperW for "Massmouthmas"

- Raven Software for Hexen I've stol-... er, "borrowed" Ice texture from.

- Bloax for Doomguy'ed Cleric's (from Hexen) hand sprite.

- Scott Gustafon for Between-level image (really great artist!)

- Unknown (?) author for picture at the cast list. (Really, I couldn't find who created it!)

- Authors of all the great MIDIs I've found in the internet!
Base: Modified
Build time: 2-3 weeks because I'm a lazy-ass.
Editor(s) used: SLADE3, Adobe Photoshop, SLAB6
Rating: (2 votes)

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Hmm. Not bad, not bad. Xmas wads are quite rare. Would like to give perfect 5, but, cannot switch to PresentLauncher. So, 4/5 should be fine since I dig Xmas wads.x

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