Title: |
DoomEd 4.2 |
Filename: |
utils/level_edit/doomed42.zip |
Size: |
196.33 KB |
Date: |
01/30/95 |
Author: |
Geoff Allan |
Description: |
Very solid editor, works with Doom 1 or Doom 2. Allows you to view
Heretic maps, but the Heretic lists aren't in here yet. Look for it soon. |
Credits: |
Base: |
Build time: |
Editor(s) used: |
Bugs: |
Rating: |
(8 votes)
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/idgames protocol:
| As a historical curiosity it's somewhat worth a look if you're interested in seeing how ancient mapping tools functioned; other than that it's a fucking nightmare to work with and actually get anything worth using from. | x | |
| +1 | x | |
| The automatic bug generator. -Giest118 | x |
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