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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/17 in all areas

  1. The fact that I can basically tweet on Doomworld while on the shitter is proof enough that the new site is tenfold better than the old one
    10 points
  2. Oh look another feature. I definitely won't abuse this.
    6 points
  3. >You are only allowed to give 25 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today. >:(
    5 points
  4. More work on that room in my current WIP level.
    4 points
  5. Why do I do this to myself? Attempting a Sandy Petersen-esque map and I'm (probably) about halfway there. For the record, the square structure in the south-east? 1024x1024 - people have put entire MAPS into that space. D:
    4 points
  6. Did some more work on a level I've been working on since last year and took a screenshot of the unfinished room I added tonight: I have no idea when this thing will be out since I seem to work on it only in bursts. It could be in two months, it could be December for all I know :-P
    3 points
  7. 2304 downloads

    Get Out Of My Stations is the first episode of Back to Saturn X, a three-episode partial conversion for Doom II. Back to Saturn X is fully compatible with Doom2.exe and Chocolate Doom. It has also been tested with Eternity Engine, PrBoom-Plus, ZDoom, GZDoom, and Risen3D.
    2 points
  8. I tried to play L4D2 with my laptop's touchpad and got 11 kills in a map, I'm so proud of myself.
    2 points
  9. Got mowed down by zombies on Segways!
    2 points
  10. Wow I'm so dumb. I've been struggling for hours to make one of these and I don't even have anything important to say.
    2 points
  11. Alfonzo


    2 points
  12. Some more juicy details about my map for the doomworld mega project 2017. (Bondyè, I hope somebody will enjoy playing this once it's finished)
    2 points
  13. Combinebobnt

    #| hash pipe for 4:30

    #| hash pipe for 4:30
    2 points
  14. Looking for people to be guests on WXR! If you'd like to talk and nerd out about Doom stuff on our podcast, or know someone you'd like to hear talk, notify me or talk your friend into getting in touch with me! Topics such as: The new Doom Forum The Doom storyline Source port racism Whats good/bad about Brutal Doom Doom-like indie games Doom 'conspiracies' Other topical stuff worth ranting about
    2 points
  15. New layout looks a lot better when zoomed out to 80% in chrome.
    2 points
  16. It turns out Nambona was a robot this whole time! https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=55539&start=45#p984281
    2 points
  17. I'm unsure of how I feel about this blog format, though I think this new forum software in general adds a lot of personality. It sure gives off the impression of a lot more activity, even if in posting content itself there isn't a ton. Many avatar changes; and as I updated my own I'd like to state for the record that, contrary to some people's belief, this is not actually a pic of me :/ As I continue my reading journey I was reminded of this topic along with several other people. "The single greatest cause of sudden death among beautiful, young, female players is that the guy who was role-playing them wanted an irreversible out" - Richard Bartle "Designing Virtual Worlds" What a fantastic quote that applied to several people in zandronum's community. Bartle dedicates a section of this book to "masquerading" or opposite gender role playing in virtual worlds and damn it just fit perfectly with some of the people I've seen around the Doom community since late 2009. If you're interested in virtual world design and dynamics I recommend picking this book up!
    2 points
  18. Guest

    Low Memory


    Here we go... Once upon a time, lived a 11-year old autist dwelling in the glorious realm of 4chan. One day, he was downloading Sailor Moon hentai, as usual. However, today it was different. His hard drive, which had always obediently fulfilled its master's twisted desires, suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, decided to fight. +----------+ |LOW MEMORY| +----------+ "INSUFFICIENT FREE SPACE, CAN NOT DOWNLOAD FILE free_sm_pr0n_JKitsatrojan.EXE" "Ou nou wot do ai doo?", said the discouraged internet knight. Suddenly, his computer started playing some tune: "Dum dum dum dumdum dum dum dum dum dumdumdum dumdum dum dumdum dumdum dumdum" He recognized the tune. It was the track of the first level of some crappy pixelated game from 1993 his (disappointed) father likes to play, as his last refuge from the problems of having a single descendant whose vocab is limited to "YOUR MOM!". A message flashed on the screen: "Do you need help?". He managed to squeeze out a sentence from his degrading brain "jes ai doo". Then, the display of his computer started displaying a first-person view of some dude who can't even hold a gun properly. "Come on", a new message popped up, "your hard- drive depends on you!"
    1 point
  19. Just finished to play Doom 64 on my N64, the mother of all Demons is dead now. Till next time!!!
    1 point
  20. apparently one can only like 25 posts within a day. rip
    1 point
  21. Isle


    1 point
  22. Gothic


    1 point
  23. I still remember those days when I used to visit The Page of Doom without realizing this forum existed, hehe. Good memories!
    1 point
  24. Your avatar and custom title match perfectly.
    1 point
  25. 40oz

    Low Memory

    Not sure I'd define this map in so few words. It does however involve a lot of inescapable death and trial/error. If you can bear to die a few times as you progress, you'll find some of the traps and puzzles to be pretty neat and intuitive. The problem however is that there is no information to go off of that there is even a puzzle to solve. Arrows tell you what to do, and then you get attacked by monsters for doing it. Doors have crushers above them, unmarked walls are switches, etc. I'm not entirely sure the map is possible. I got stuck at this part for example (below.) Maybe the switch was supposed to be a repeatable action? Not sure. Also not sure if I'd play it again. Map author is smart, but applying it in a way that's probably only fun for spectators to laugh at, but not fun for anyone to play on their own.
    1 point
  26. I'm enjoying how extra long usernames are cut to the next line. Guess it's a good opportunity for some of us to take advantage of that yearly name change.
    1 point
  27. Oh my, it's a demonic Pac Man. Love FreeDoom's new soulsphere replacement.
    1 point
  28. DW April Fools suggestion - turn the site in to a storefront selling salt.
    1 point
  29. I'm about almost done with Infersol.wad, a 4 map hell themed wad. I'm still adding rooms to MAP03. Finding inspiration and ideas is the hard part. What I'm using for those are from shovelware that I own. Gotten some ideas out of them. I do have another wad ready, but the theme is techbase which I've overdone at this point
    1 point
  30. >_> This will be different. I do miss Post Hell, but eh, not like it was the main reason of coming to the forums anyway.
    1 point
  31. The Unofficial Doomworld 2.0 Heh Thread heh
    1 point
    I feel awful for having contributed to this void of artistic integrity. 5/5.
    1 point
  32. This is kinda like facebook except I feel like I actually know people here
    1 point
  33. Kurashiki

    woah, new forum wan

    woah, new forum wan
    1 point
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