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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/17 in all areas

  1. Just wanna say how nice it is that all /idgames entries now have the /newstuff screenshots with them. It's going to be so much less of a gamble to find cool maps now.
    6 points
  2. New episode of WORLD EXTERMINATION RADIO today, starting in a couple hours! A live podcast where I'll be speaking with joe-ilya! Check it out LIVE on twitch.tv! Season 2 : Episode 7 joe-ilya Live Broadcasting! http://www.twitch.tv/j_40oz
    5 points
  3. fraggle

    How have I never seen this before?

    How have I never seen this before?
    5 points
  4. infurnus1


    4 points
  5. Linguica

    Running the LA Marathon tomorrow woo

    Running the LA Marathon tomorrow woo
    3 points
  6. Have some more Hellbrary 2 WIP shots!
    2 points
  7. I was going to make a blogs post about how I lost somewhere around 80 pounds in the last two years, and perhaps ask for advice on how to avoid snacking since that still happens to be a bit of a problem for me, but when I went to do so, blogs was no longer a thing, so that's not good
    2 points
  8. I dunno if anyone else here cares about this, but: https://twitter.com/3lion_anime/status/843108544085815296 3gatsu no Lion is getting another season! As a slow-burn character drama it seemed like the sort of show that wouldn't be a big enough hit to justify making more of, so this announcement is a very nice surprise. The adaptation so far has been fantastic, and I've heard lots of praise for the later parts of the manga.
    2 points
  9. Voros

    Sweet avatar!

    Sweet avatar!
    2 points
  10. Here's a partial (like 1/6th) playthrough of my new Doom level. This includes new music written by me specifically for this map. What's left now is balancing out the difficulty levels, minor detailing/fixing here and there, and some additional scripting that's needed to get it to fit within the rest of the WAD. And of course, the third level :-P
    2 points
  11. About a year ago I made a bunch of 1-hr speedmaps. Some of them weren't posted, presumably because they were nonsense. I didn't remember this one much, so it was really cool to revisit, and surprisingly it turned out to be quite fun to play, despite being discarded. The first part is a lot easier than it was probably intended to be, since there's a lot of health. lol @ that insta rev missile. The BK fight is pretty devious. Meatwalls and low ammo mean you have to use infight induction and tysoning, all while on a timer. :O I didn't remember that I put afrits in this map (lol), so the one that pops up directly behind you at the soulsphere made me go wtf on my first playthrough!? That one is pretty trolly w/o foreknowledge, not that this map was meant to be survivable on first attempt. The last fight probably doesn't look harsher than a typical fight of its type, but the afrits this map uses are really a nightmare -- not just because of their attack, but also because they are hilariously fast, and of course infinitely tall like fliers are. So it took a lot of attempts to do in a non-RNG-jesus way, because I had to develop a movement plan to survive without being boxed in somewhere: potential DPS is too low to spam, especially because if you don't start with a pacifist approach, some cacos come in and create even more infinite height issues!
    2 points
  12. BOOMQTEX updated, new monster added and stuff.
    2 points
  13. Guest

    Hey Hey Hangar-Entryway!


    Dual take on a Hangar-Entryway crossover. You can launch this wad with Doom as an IWAD, and play Entryway in Hangar style. Or you can launch it with Doom 2 IWAD, and play Hangar in Entryway's style. Both maps were made from scratch, independently on the original map's geometry. Both maps were speedmaps, designed for singleplayer, but with attention to deathmatch as well. I have no ambitions on proposing this wad as a quality one. I don't plan to impress anybody by this portion of unprofessional plagiarism. Tweaked IWAD maps have been done multiple times before, anyway. I made these maps primarily as an exercise for myself, as I've found it interesting and fun.
    1 point
  14. Did you draw that profile pic yourself? It's really good!
    1 point
  15. Isle

    like twitter but less intresting

    like twitter but less intresting
    1 point
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