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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/17 in all areas

  1. Linguica

    Running the LA Marathon tomorrow woo

    Running the LA Marathon tomorrow woo
    11 points
  2. Mapping on A Boy And His Barrel seems to have resumed. Here's a map I'm still working on, done in the vein of E3.
    5 points
  3. 2304 downloads

    Get Out Of My Stations is the first episode of Back to Saturn X, a three-episode partial conversion for Doom II. Back to Saturn X is fully compatible with Doom2.exe and Chocolate Doom. It has also been tested with Eternity Engine, PrBoom-Plus, ZDoom, GZDoom, and Risen3D.
    3 points
  4. Whoever we are Wherever we're from We shoulda noticed by now Our behavior is dumb And if our chances Expect to improve It's gonna take a lot more Than tryin' to remove The other race, Or the other whatever From the face Of the planet altogether! They call it the Earth Which is a dumb kinda name But they named it right 'cause we behave the same... We are dumb all over! Dumb all over, Yes we are Dumb all over, Near 'n far Dumb all over, Black 'n white People, we is not wrapped tight!
    3 points
  5. Andrew Stine crossed 10K. Time 01:05:45, pace 10:28 min/mile, est. finish 11:37 am https://t.co/eDCn34Lgid #LAMarathon
    3 points
  6. Just a preview of a map I've been cooking for some time.
    3 points
  7. Temple of the Ancients (review posted 03/19/17)
    3 points
  8. I took a picture of these stair tiles as a reminder of why we should build stairs on grid:
    2 points
  9. Reading journey continues. Interested in theoretical aspects of games and play but don't want to read anything that will hurt your brain? Check out the MIT Press "Playful Thinking" Series These short and easy to digest books combine aspects of video game design and principles within foundations of theories of game (in the conventional sense) and play. May or may not be of interest to people here interested in fundamentals of play theory and/or game design.
    2 points
  10. Did some dome quake thing using the Arcane Dimensions entities:
    2 points
  11. New avatar is from a silly image of Kotori from Rewrite. I had been thinking of using a snarky Akane instead but here we are. Seele is probably the only person here who'll recognize any of this, but whatever. I'll probably manage to harangue Tarnsman into reading Rewrite sooner or later, at least. Rewrite is a visual novel and it's a hell of a journey -- its scope is massive and it hits on a lot of the things I loved about Madoka and Evangelion. (The anime adaptation is an awful disaster, avoid.)
    1 point
  12. Now I have this working....that's a thing I guess? This week is going to be lame and it's only just 1am of Monday... bleh... Still can't eat anything and it's been over a week since I was struck down with the wonders of Norovirus- but my body is still protesting at all food I try and feed it... :(
    1 point
  13. So I started playing Valiant; something I didn't hear of until Ancient Aliens, and was sorta put off by the amount of custom monsters in it (yes, I know there's a version without, but author's original vision and all that....) It's fantastic. 1/3 through just this evening, this shit's addictive. Skillsaw is turning out to be my favourite mapper.
    1 point
  14. I'm working on a linear trashy Plutonia map to try and slowly edge my way back into the flow of mapping, here are some screenshots.
    1 point
  15. Welp. Just finished (for the second time) Back To Saturn X episode 2 -- I back-to-backed the Back-to-Saturns and it's a great, cohesive experience. I think I prefer the gameplay of the first episode though. The almighty and amazing Steeple of Knives aside, of course. Difficulty on normal/HMP is comparable in both, and so are the aesthetics. I don't know, the lion's share of larger and more plodding maps seemed to be in the second episode. Can't wait for the third, bring it on! :D
    1 point
  16. Making a Doom-related drawing. If everything goes well, I will post it here.
    1 point
  17. Spring is approaching in 2 days. Who's ready? Don't get me wrong, I do like winter bc of the snow but, still
    1 point
  18. Have some more Hellbrary 2 WIP shots!
    1 point
  19. New episode of WORLD EXTERMINATION RADIO today, starting in a couple hours! A live podcast where I'll be speaking with joe-ilya! Check it out LIVE on twitch.tv! Season 2 : Episode 7 joe-ilya Live Broadcasting! http://www.twitch.tv/j_40oz
    1 point
    lol this is a really nicely made wad, like duh, its BTSX E1. Go play it now
    1 point
  20. Manbou

    No End in Sight

    This wad reminds me of the good old DOOM. The tricks in this wad are really interesting and the secrets are really elaborate. My favorite map is E3M7. This is amazingly awesome. Great job.
    1 point
    Loved every second of this! Amazing job guys :D
    1 point
    Episode One feels boring... until E1M6, where enviroment starts to feel like Romero's Tech Gone Bad. Episode Four claims to take a place on Earth but overall maps are looking more like Doom 2 Hell. However, this is pretty good mapset.
    1 point
    now this is a treat, lots of cool concepts in these maps, makes it all seem fresh, and many maps are quite fun too. some of the really long maps do get weary after a while though. but even then, where else can you find an Ultimate Doom mapset quite like this? this is probably the single most unique one to date, and even upon replaying it, you still find yourself enjoying the maps a lot. making things cooler is how well the mappers like to hide their secrets or give you wonky progression to work around. highlighted some spoilers below many other maps besides the ones mentioned above are very memorable and pretty tough too, loads of small enemies to push through plus the bigwigs every now and then. be prepared for a long haul with this one.
    1 point
  21. Doomkid

    No End in Sight

    Good stuff right here
    1 point
  22. Zalewa

    No End in Sight

    "Similar to DTWID" on steroids! This WAD is all that Ultimate Doom IWAD is but bigger in all aspects. The levels are large and very non-linear, the action is unrelenting, non-tedious and keeps you alert. The looks are excellent. E4 is a bit over the top, though. Don't approach it on UV without SSG and double ammo.
    1 point
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