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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/17 in all areas

  1. I wonder if I could (should?) use this newfangled "status update" thingy to give small updates on what I've been working on that day?
    7 points
  2. Without context, those two topic titles in that order are just... unfortunate.
    5 points
  3. Doom Radio's Interview with James 'Jimmy' Paddock is now available on doomradio.org. Hopefully this means he won't have to remix the most terrible MIDI I have ever composed. I pray it's not too late.
    5 points
  4. There's some kind of weird forum issue where lots of people aren't following me.
    4 points
  5. HO-LEE-SHIET damn, my stomach is full of sushi, had a blast with a friend eating sushi and drinking some good 'ole beer ;) It is becoming one of my favorite preparations, I don't want to fall into addiction tho, it is expensive to go to these sushi bars. I do want to learn how to make sushi by myself :3
    2 points
  6. Pinchy


    2 points
  7. snapshot

    Made a High Polygon Couch :o

    Made a High Polygon Couch :o
    2 points
  8. I'm starting to think I have just a few too many projects going on. There's my current Doom WAD, Shadows of The Nightmare Realm; a game I'm trying to program; a music album I'm working on; another music album I just started with a friend; and a bunch of 40K minis I'm trying to get painted. Part of me is itching to get another Doom project started once SoTNR is done, but this probably isn't a good idea, and I feel like I should instead work on clearing my queue. I really need to learn how to organize my ideas and projects better lol. Suggestions on how to do so anyone?
    2 points
  9. pavera


    2 points
  10. I'd like to revive WinDEU so it runs without crashing on modern Windows. Maybe some people will want to use it :) I have a lot of nostalgia about it. Mainly, I need to get rid of the Borland stuff. This can be too challenging for such a niche idea.
    2 points
  11. New avatar is from a silly image of Kotori from Rewrite. I had been thinking of using a snarky Akane instead but here we are. Seele is probably the only person here who'll recognize any of this, but whatever. I'll probably manage to harangue Tarnsman into reading Rewrite sooner or later, at least. Rewrite is a visual novel and it's a hell of a journey -- its scope is massive and it hits on a lot of the things I loved about Madoka and Evangelion. (The anime adaptation is an awful disaster, avoid.)
    2 points
  12. So I started playing Valiant; something I didn't hear of until Ancient Aliens, and was sorta put off by the amount of custom monsters in it (yes, I know there's a version without, but author's original vision and all that....) It's fantastic. 1/3 through just this evening, this shit's addictive. Skillsaw is turning out to be my favourite mapper.
    2 points
  13. Did some dome quake thing using the Arcane Dimensions entities:
    2 points
  14. 2304 downloads

    Get Out Of My Stations is the first episode of Back to Saturn X, a three-episode partial conversion for Doom II. Back to Saturn X is fully compatible with Doom2.exe and Chocolate Doom. It has also been tested with Eternity Engine, PrBoom-Plus, ZDoom, GZDoom, and Risen3D.
    1 point
  15. Anyone want some MIDI soundtrack work? My musical projects are currently at a standstill. Examples MIDI works: Warphouse Abraxas I can do Quake style ambient, industrial / metal stuff also. My synths are feeling a bit neglected as well.
    1 point
  16. I'm working on a linear trashy Plutonia map to try and slowly edge my way back into the flow of mapping, here are some screenshots.
    1 point
  17. Andrew Stine crossed 10K. Time 01:05:45, pace 10:28 min/mile, est. finish 11:37 am https://t.co/eDCn34Lgid #LAMarathon
    1 point
  18. Just a preview of a map I've been cooking for some time.
    1 point
  19. Temple of the Ancients (review posted 03/19/17)
    1 point
    10-map episode by Myscha, one of the authors behind Unreal. Remember Unreal? Big open levels with expansive vistas. Its the polar opposite of IDITAROD. Its still a cut above the crop for the time if you can get past the claustrophobia. Boy he wasn't kidding about the difficulty spikes. Not sure how you pistol-start MAP07.
    1 point
  20. Just wanna say how nice it is that all /idgames entries now have the /newstuff screenshots with them. It's going to be so much less of a gamble to find cool maps now.
    1 point
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