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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/17 in all areas

  1. Here's a shot of a WIP map that's been sitting around for a little while. I haven't been able to do enough Doom-stuff recently (got caught off guard by other things, sorry!), so might as well show something, I guess? Should be easy to guess what project it is (or was) intended for.
    8 points
  2. Today marks my 35th birthday. When I get home from work I'm going to release one of the maps I've been sitting on to mark the occasion.
    4 points
  3. This just spotted on CNN.com: Only an actual trainwreck is missing.
    3 points
  4. So a team member in a coursework I'm doing and I spent a few hours trying to troubleshoot why a build script wasn't working for her. Turns out that due to Windows 10's automatic user-naming using spaces caused the build script to fail. Windows 8 was fine though, since it had some weird hash. Fuck Windows 10.
    3 points
  5. I love how Shadow of The Beast is your cover picture.
    2 points
  6. 2304 downloads

    Get Out Of My Stations is the first episode of Back to Saturn X, a three-episode partial conversion for Doom II. Back to Saturn X is fully compatible with Doom2.exe and Chocolate Doom. It has also been tested with Eternity Engine, PrBoom-Plus, ZDoom, GZDoom, and Risen3D.
    1 point
  7. Guest

    Heroes 2


    1 point
  8. Surprised that I'm actually signing up here... ah well, either way, glad to be apart of the community.
    1 point
  9. Neat! GZDoomBuilder via TeamViewer from tablet is almost workable! Most map commands can be done with either mouse button. The only missing facility (which can be a blocker for any serious mapping) is scrolling (on PC I use either the scroll wheel or the arrow keys, which are hard to access from tablet TeamViewer). But if that gets introduced, we'll be able to use the tablets to edit with the GZDoom Builder from our home computers!
    1 point
  10. I've (finally) spend some time exploring the new Edge Portals in Eternity. They are basically an existing type of plane portal but unlike normal portals this plane does not need to match its surroundings. The exposed 'edge' is given a new linedef flag for a seamless transition. Hello tables, chairs and stairs :) Especially fun if combined with 2-way anchored portals. Unlike linked portals, anchored portals can be moved so you can create stuff like floating 3D platforms that bob up and down. You can even travel from underneath this platform back to the main area; but alas I have yet to find a way to travel from the main area back to the portal.
    1 point
  11. 40oz

    Happy Birthday Joe 🎂

    Happy Birthday Joe 🎂
    1 point
  12. Grain of Salt


    1 point
  13. DAZZER

    Scythe 2. Version 2

    It's the Best MegaWAD ever created ! Scythe 2 had such an Influence into Design, Monster and Item Placement that alot of Mappers still try to reach the Level Erik Alm had set over ten years ago ! If you haven't already... play this Masterpiece ! Erik Alm/5
    1 point
  14. Bad King John


    FFS people, stop reviewing this like it's new - it's history. And if you really do want history, play the DOS version on a 486 ($10 from eBay). If you just want the retro feel, then it's Chocolate Doom. Otherwise play PrBoom or ZDoom.
    1 point
    Good for trying something new
    1 point
    this is very unique, and reminded me of Super Sonic Doom in a way. I liked the concepts and many of the maps. very replayable, too bad it needs a special version of Zand to go with it.
    1 point
  15. Guest

    Skulldash (Version 1.0)

    My apologies to the author, I finally got it to play, and it was fun.
    1 point
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