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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/17 in all areas

  1. Well shit, I'm 18 years old today. I'm apparently an adult now.
    8 points
  2. Have a little bit of positivity:
    4 points
  3. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=899316150
    3 points
  4. These past few days I did some much needed cleanup of the E2 ACS scripts. More importantly, I've started detailing a major but old section of E2M3. And by "old", I mean "ancient". The level is in fact based on two rescued sections of a much older level that first made use of EE's just-released-but-then-unfinished portals. The only other level based on even older stuff is E2M5 of which you might have seen screenshots before ("catwalk suspended over poison basins"), although remade from scratch altogether. That's all that survived from the previous pre-portal incarnation of E2. The various type of portals really did transform the way I design levels in such a drastic way that most "finished" stuff was obsoleted instantly. Strictly speaking, there's also E3. Yes, that's still a thing too. Two of those levels are now partly rebuild with portals in mind. Although I'm focused on E2, I very occasionally go back to E3 when the inspiration hits me.
    2 points
  5. The amount of arguing in project threads is insane. Might as well bring your popcorn to any thread these days
    1 point
  6. In the office at work alone today. Somehow it's been arranged that 3 out of 4 people are on annual leave. I've done ZERO work, it's just been client after client, combined with phone call after phone call. This wave of client interaction has overstayed it's welcome already, but I have an arranged meeting in 30 mins. Help! D:
    1 point
  7. MS bans emulators on Windows Store; gamers rage as they load up Steam instead. Oh wait.
    1 point
  8. Doom 2 Redux Beta Version 1.2 available now! Looking for as much feedback as possible so our team can make this WAD the best that it can possibly be. You don't need any extra files or anything, all essential files are included in the WAD file. You can download it here! I hope you have fun playing this aesthetically flowing and fun re-imagining of the Doom II experience! You can leave your thoughts here or in the Doom 2 Redux Thread. If anybody wants to be really awesome, they can post a video of their playthrough...JUST an idea.
    1 point
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