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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/17 in all areas

  1. printz


    6 points
  2. Am I the only one who thinks that @scifista42 is not human, but actually an AI bot that John Carmack programmed to answer technical questions on Doomworld?
    3 points
  3. I've been using Doom Builder 1 since 2006. I'm finally doing some mapping again after almost 2 months off in GZ Doom Builder and am finding it so hard to get used to. I can clearly see all the advantages, but it's going to take some getting used to!
    2 points
  4. Losing my mind guys.. I should go to sleep.
    2 points
  5. Bzzrak's Risening3D, part 3 OK, I have been studying a bit of scripting and everything, now I do understand it a little more than I should. Drawing linedefs on top of each other is still a difficult concept to grasp for my stupid brain, especially when coupled with having to manually edit sector references. Darn, this is HARD! As the properties of a 3d floor are specified in upper textures, if you have a height difference which requires an actual upper texture, you have to draw a separate set of linedefs only for the 3d floor, and then mess with sector references until you die of boredom. The result of all that: I've started making the actual map... the problem is: after my previous philosophical and conceptual semi-trollmap, I've completely forgotten how to do legit awesome mapping. Not that I ever knew it, but I did try. Now I've forgotten how to do even that. I do crap I never did before, like making circular rooms. The worst part: the radius of every one is a multiply of 82, because when made into a circle in db2's curve linedefs option, you get a curve whose total length is a multiple of 256. But... I HATE circular rooms!!! What's happening? My orthogonality seems to "wrap around"! But yeah, the map is gonna be something really sensational if/when finished. Conclusion: people, don't make philosophical semi-trollmaps.
    1 point
  6. Preparations for my next project are underway. Skyboxes by Eradrop.
    1 point
  7. Just fixed the swimming in AWXWoB. Now to finish the subweapons and enemy hit detection...
    1 point
  8. Here's a small midi I've put together over the past couple of nights. Ambient-ish, nothing fancy. The Infinite Labyrinth - 03:07
    1 point
  9. I made an 'oopsie' at work, followed by an 'uh oh' and preceded by a 'duh-huhuhuh-humbass.' Got a bit light headed, hot, and sweaty dispite working in a fridge; lost more blood than it looked like I should've: (because apparently my skill now is being able to accurately judge blood loss from cuts) 3 gloves full of sopping wet, sticky, 100% dark red paper towels, the gloves dripping from the inside, plus quite a few more totally red paper towels from times when I had to clean my entire hand (and in one unfortunate case my forearm) and (re)bandage it while it continued to gush. 4 hours later it still hadn't stopped completely, though it seems to be mostly there now as long as I don't rip it open again, which apparently takes next-to-nothing to do. It's possible that it may have stopped once or twice while I was still at work and it was wrapped up, only to rip open shortly afterward since the skin kinda peels back a bit easily from the mound of red stuff underneath, which disturbs both the coagulation process and me to a small degree, though I always appreciate the anatomy lesson. I also found out that blue bandaids + red stuff make shiny, black, fancy bandaids, but I wouldn't advise using them. While it surprisingly didn't hurt at all in the moment (perhaps from a lower nerve ending count on the back side of the fingers compared to other areas of the body), that knife was as sharp as I could get it from having freshly sharpened it not one minute earlier and it hit/cut all the way to my bone, which I can feel now; it feels like a brusied bone with that crucial, sudden, explosive pain when anything beyond slight pressure is applied directly to the bruised area, mixed with a pain similar to if you slightly overextended your finger-joints as best you could for 15 minutes+, like an 'arthritis-lite,' except this hasn't gone away in 30 secs like it would from that little example; overall it now hurts like Hell and I can only look forward to Day 2... (which is usually worse) oh boy. Luckily I have tomorrow off work anyway. Weird thing is, I could feel the cut with my knife (though it didn't fully process at the time) and in retrospect I felt exactly what happened (since I'm used to the feeling of cutting meat at this point) more-so from the knife-hand's perspective than from the cut-hand's perspective. The cut-hand just felt pressure of something hitting it; no pain or feelings of being forcibly split whatsoever, nor did the knife slice/slide around when it hit my fingers. I actually thought it just hit them and didn't cut me at first, since that's actually happened once before, though of course on a duller blade. Of course I should've been wearing my cutting glove and common knife-sense is to cut away from oneself, but haste makes waste; I was behind on time and I didnt want to dirty up a chain link glove just for my last piece of meat. I wound up hitting a bone shard while thinking it was a patch of thick silverskin in the meat I was cutting into, all under a fat cap (which was mostly what I was shaving off) and near the beginning of my cut when I couldn't see perfectly what I was cutting into; silverskin can be tough to cut through (let alone chew!) and I put more pressure into the maneuver than I should have, in addition to pulling up on the angle of the knife to cut a thinner slice as I tried to work it under the silverskin. Turns out I didn't make it through the silverskin since I hit that bone shard first, which is what made the knife grow legs and jump right on over to my fingers for a quick high five. We tend to keep our knives sharp to not only get good, clean-cut steaks, but also to not have to apply much pressure when cutting, which is helpful since some stuff is tough-enough to cut as-is; cutting (shaving) away from you can take longer and doesn't quite give the same amount-of-feeling and control as cutting towards you gives, which is important when trying to thinly shave fat and bad meat off the large chunks of meat we cut up so as to waste the least amount of meat possible. More importantly, sometimes from the angle of everything it's unavoidable, as these pieces of meat aren't nice, perfect shapes, nor are the areas we have to trim off, so you get used to cutting in whatever direction makes sense for the piece of meat. On a random side-note: (weird that this is where my mind went during the fiasco) it's almost a shame that I donated perfectly good O(-) blood to the floor, gloves, trashcan, and my coat when I haven't been to actually donate blood for realsies in prolly 5-6 months now... I've been overdue. For shame; I deserved this (for many reasons, it would seem). Just gotta hope other O(-)'s ain't lazy like me if I ever wind up needing the stuff. The sign outside the local Red Cross chapterhouse-building-thingy says our supplies are dangerously low right now. I'm debating if I should to soon or wait a month to go donate after this, heh. Here is a pic of my fingers as I left work, after (most of the) clean-up and before it somehow started back up again, prolly from me bending them while taking a picture.
    1 point
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