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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/17 in all areas

  1. fraggle

    8 points
  2. Exams are done, finally! now I'll be traveling back home for some days, more peace at last :)
    4 points
  3. They make chocolate bunnies for Easter, but do they make chocolate Doom demons? If not they should. Even a chocolate John Romero head would be great.
    3 points
  4. Today is my final day working for this local web design company. I'm going to miss it here! Will be celebrating my departure with a few beers after work, and then it's on to getting my own company into a state of being alive and kicking. I'm nervous, kinda scared, but wholly optimistic! :D
    3 points
  5. From "Hank Leukart's Hacker's Guide to Doom" (1995) page 125: "No Doom player in the world enjoys walking into a room with 50 monsters in it" heh.
    2 points
  6. Bzzrak's Risenation3D, part 3.25 Another thing about Risen3D that can backstab you quite frequently is the node-builder. As far as I can tell, R3D has a built in node-builder derived from an old-ass version of GLBSP (2.05 IIRC, while the last one was 2.20-sth, released quite a few years later). That thing breaks very easily. The R3D editing process is very brainpower-consuming by itself, now I have to care about the GODDAMN NODE-BUILDER? Just let me draw goddamn vertices where I want to, for god's sake, and don't make me think about whether the stupid node-builder can make the map look as I want it to. Jeff Bird (the origwad author) would be proud... or probably not. Rantification finishification.
    2 points
  7. Zalewa

    Bloody Rust 2

    Splendid 6-pack that does what it says: provides a rusty environment to fight in. All maps have interesting layouts with lots of odd angles and architecture that provides visuals true to the theme. Gameplay is good for the first 3 maps, but after that it seems as if the fights are orchestrated not to fight them, but to avoid them. Moreover, you seem to be playing a game of attrition here - some enemies are positioned to slowly wear you down as you pass nearby and you should calculate the odds everytime you need to pass through. That would be easy if you'd knew the map layout beforehand. There is very little ammo so don't rely on being able to easily shoot everyone. I'd say that difficulty is high, but doable. The usual DeHackEd iffrit monsters are present here but somehow less annoying than in some other WADs.
    1 point
  8. Sphagne


    You must excuse me for writing "Jumping is cheating, you know!" for my wads, because I made these levels between 1995-1999 for vanilla DOOM and by 2002 that I was uploading them here, jumping was being implemented in the source ports, and was considered to be cheating. And because of my shortsightedness I could not predict that it would become "a very important part of the game" in later years, and people would judge me without looking at the time of the wads. My mistake. By the way, a great wad, I know. ;) P.S. Who knows, I might even consider coming back to DOOM editing and make wads with jumping in their core game-play.
    1 point
  9. Going back to the original Command & Conquer is surprisingly compelling. The gameplay still feels really good, and it's almost liberating to go back to a simpler time in RTS. The AI cheats and is easy to cheese, but somehow the game still just feels really good. Nothing like mass producing tanks and rolling them head on through the front of the enemy base, crushing their infantry, and blowing away their construction yard before they could see it coming. I also love C&C's earnest-yet-fun FMV sequences, complete with Joe Kucan's still brilliant portrayal of Kane. This was before they went full on silly in the Red Alert series and turned the Tiberium universe into a SyFy original series. Greatest vg soundtrack of all time too. We are going to have to act, if we want to live in a different world.....
    1 point
  10. It's springtime and there is snow on the horizon. Oh mother nature you're so bipolar.
    1 point
  11. CapnClever

    Five Rooms of Doom

    Playability notes: MAP03, MAP08, and MAP16 have doors that do not open for the player on one side, sometimes causing the levels to be unwinnable. MAP16's conveyor belt and MAP30's first elevator do not work properly in PrBoom+: ZDoom is therefore recommended (unlike the text file's suggestion of Boom compatibility). Five Rooms of Doom is a mixed bag but leaning towards a poorly-constructed set. Most small maps are fun due to their simplicity, whereas most big maps are not for the very same reason. The focus on "rooms", though defined generally through visibility by the project leader, seem to have suggested boxy layouts to many mappers (as seen by the resulting mapset). Nothing comes across as particularly impressive, whereas there are definite standout problems (bugs aside): MAP06's sector-sound issue that breaks what would have been its most interesting encounter MAP11's combination of open-door archviles and inevitable cacodemon swarm are just a little too hectic given the resource scarcity MAP13 is suggestive of being standalone rather than part of a set MAP15's secret exit is wholly absurd, and its berserk-only challenge is interesting but unrelenting MAP23 really hates the concept of infinite-height monsters (reminder that this was meant Boom-compatible) MAP24 is a Hell Revealed E3-style rushdown, passable in its own right except for the archvile spam MAP26 is maniacally obfuscating: some neat ideas but very poorly executed MAP28's blue key room concept is tedious guesswork There are additionally cases (MAP10-13, MAP17-20, MAP22-24) of difficulty whiplash. Overall, I can recommend the first nine or so maps in a to play in a row, at which point your mileage will vary.
    1 point
  12. j4rio please record E3 of hr2final already
    1 point
  13. Bashe

    Quality infighting

    Quality infighting
    1 point
  14. Taking a cue from @Doomkid, my WADography. Some of the early ones are shit, mind. Murderous Intent (2001) - seven techbases. Too cramped, shitty implementation of difficulty. No Hope For Life E1 (2001) - E1M3 is mine. Again, too cramped (I had a poor perception of space, I think). Way too homagey. Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #2 (2001) - MAP10 and WTF, this is poor. Looks okay for a speedmap of the time, plays like ass. Doomworld Speedmapping Compilation #3 (2001) - MAP05, better than the above (kinda) and I like the traps. But why did I forget ANY health? Sinister Intention (2012) - seven techbases (familiar? :P) in which I effectively forced pistol use against all low-tier enemies. Ugh, WHY? 100 Lines (2013) - several maps are mine, check the readme. I enjoyed this project enough to crib together my own episode. 900 Deep in the Dead (2013) - one map cribbed from the above, full E1 replacement. Am still proud of this, actually. Switcheroom 2 (2015?) - MAP01, a mashup of sorts between the first and last maps of DOOM 2. Eh, not bad. Nex Credo (2016) - 11 DOOM 2-styled maps, a mixed bag. Some of the better maps being used (with permission) for FreeDoom currently. The Becoming (2017) - still BETA, still working on E2M9, but some maps here I really like. FreeDoom (?) - On top of the above supplying some phase 2 maps, so far I have created a new C3M1 for phase 1. Yeah, I had a break for ten years whilst I got my shit together (SPOILER: I still don't got my shit together). I'm not the most prolific mapper by far, but I've been around a bit.
    1 point
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