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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/17 in all areas

  1. Don't read the rest of this status update. Seriously. What were you expecting? I'm really sorry. I don't have a life to spend my time on.
    3 points
  2. Japanese women are pretty. Wish I can marry one without the gold-digging tendencies.
    3 points
  3. Ichor

    2 points
  4. How I spent my weekend: Learned a lot about newer model formats.
    1 point
  5. SArais

    Shrooms is a pretty nifty series.

    Shrooms is a pretty nifty series.
    1 point
  6. I tried play legendary okuplok slaughter map,but frame rate dropped instantly in monster area and wad became unplayable for me.
    1 point
  7. WORLD EXTERMINATION RADIO ft. Alfonzo Live broadcast for realsies this time (about 1 hr from now) LIVE @ TWITCH
    1 point
  8. Having unbelievably bad luck today. I was wanting to do some catching up on testing vanilla compatibility of TNT: Revilution maps & maybe even get ahead. Instead I've spent several hours on just map 21. I ran into a vanilla error that I've never seen before & then out of the blue not 10 minutes after solving that issue Chocorenderlimits became corrupted on my computer. No biggie, just go to the website & download it...nope download link isn't there anymore. After some searching tough I did find this thread, so now I'm back on track & nearly done with testing this cursed map.
    1 point
  9. So I went to one of the gun ranges on Long Island, had a great old time. Got to handle a Sten, Remington 700, a Mosin-Nagant, an SKS and the AR-15. See some photos here: I am the one in the black shirt aiming in a couple of the photos.
    1 point
  10. Marcaek

    1 point
  11. Somehow I never noticed that the Icon of Sin's right horn isn't properly attached to its head, or that there are different shades of brown in the texture backgrounds.
    1 point
  12. I've just gone through my posts on this forum and I feel it necessary to say... if you knew me from then and were unfortunate enough to come across ANY of my posts... I owe you my absolute sincerest apologies for my astronomical stupidity, and am deeply sorry for any damage to your brain I may have caused from reading them. On a completely unrelated note... is it possible to delete or change the name of my account on this forum?
    1 point
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