I miss Doom so much. So many other games are lacking the intelligent combat that is in doom. I kinda doomed myself out for awhile and tried some new games, mainly overwatch and ark, still playing ark co-op with the wife, as she really enjoys playing it with me, but today, I cleaned the house and just felt like playing doom.
So I booted up Alien vendetta, which I'v not played in years, and hot damn I forgot how much I love this megawad. I'm a bit rusty but warming up quite quickly. It's so funny how rewarding Doom's gameplay, It just feels so good.
Still have been mapping on and off though, and after revisiting AV I feel my mapping ideas are getting stagnant and my maps geometry is getting quite redundent in my levels. I need to revisit some of my favorite megawads and try some new things, I don't like the direction my mapping is going.