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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/17 in all areas

  1. I miss Doom so much. So many other games are lacking the intelligent combat that is in doom. I kinda doomed myself out for awhile and tried some new games, mainly overwatch and ark, still playing ark co-op with the wife, as she really enjoys playing it with me, but today, I cleaned the house and just felt like playing doom. So I booted up Alien vendetta, which I'v not played in years, and hot damn I forgot how much I love this megawad. I'm a bit rusty but warming up quite quickly. It's so funny how rewarding Doom's gameplay, It just feels so good. Still have been mapping on and off though, and after revisiting AV I feel my mapping ideas are getting stagnant and my maps geometry is getting quite redundent in my levels. I need to revisit some of my favorite megawads and try some new things, I don't like the direction my mapping is going.
    5 points
  2. Me: I should really work on my final paper. Creative Urges: Good story plot! Like a pro-procastrinaaaator has to finish--- Me: No, I really mean it. My future depends on it! Creative Urges: Sounds like a good time-traveling jokes. Me: I'm serious! Creative Urges: You should continue writing that stupid fic you started last night. Me: Fair enough. I cannot let my plot bunnies run away! Creative Urges: Gooood, let the procastrination flow through you... >:)
    4 points
  3. So many community projects holy shit slow down
    2 points
  4. Just spent hours going through and fixing up the current Doomed in Space beta. It's starting to feel like a real wad! Check it out!
    2 points
  5. snapshot


    2 points
  6. Ichor

    2 points
  7. I went through Quarantine Breach in just 3 minutes That is if video embeds are permitted in status updates.
    1 point
  8. Grain of Salt

    This is another goose.

    This is another goose.
    1 point
  9. What's on my mind now?..... A brain...obviously
    1 point
  10. Chipping away on the Phobos. Working on the first room you begin our journey in.
    1 point
  11. Sorry about the lack of updates on my map, it's just something happened to me, someone to more accurate and I could not concentrate on mapping too much. I'm slowly recovering and I'm trying to come back to it. Not much to show, but I guarantee you that I'm working on it.
    1 point
  12. I tried several times but somehow I can't upload the picture of the sketch nor attach the imgur link so I give you this instead. imgur/Vflewtx What do you think?
    1 point
  13. I hate it when I get level designer writers block and run out of ideas. And then I end up making a bunch of squares and rectangles then fill them out. smh
    1 point
  14. SleepyVelvet


    Really damn solid. It was hard on UV but very engaging, and the maps are tightly balanced for pistol start. Stay alert and vigilant as you navigate the map, or you will neglect one of many shot-gunners waiting to ambush you around corners, pillars, and nooks and crannies. This, while juggling mid-tier threats at the same time. There's also some iwad style puzzles thrown in there too, which i'm a big fan of. Moonblood doesn't focus on awe-striking atmosphere like some modern maps, but goes for the more classic but clean visual style. In the third episode of Moonblood, I found myself switching from UV to HMP because there is a difficulty ramp-up as you reach the final stretch of maps. There was actual variability in Moonblood's difficulty settings, and didn't seem half-assed for when I switched to HMP. I have not gone back out of my way to observe the difficulty variability on earlier levels, though. Additionally, for players looking for a relaxing stroll, I haven't seen HNTR at all to see if Moonblood will accommodate that type play-style. very good mapset.
    1 point
  15. Guest

    Nightmares of Loki 1999


    Nightmares of Loki is a cryptic hallucinagenic Nightmare. This version contains 3 episodes and level starts to the 4th This game was started in 1995 under the name 'doom legacy' After a source port was discovered with the same name, it has been renamed in 1999 to 'Nightmares of Loki' The story is little to nothing but the levels are the focus. These levels are HUGE and they'll piss you off, so SAVEGAME! works great in zdoom, 2 levels crash in jdoom. made for the original 'Ultimate Doom' v1.9
    1 point
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