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Exclusive preview of my next map
pavera and 9 others reacted to esselfortium for a status update
Exclusive preview of my next map10 points -
Nuclear threats. Protests. Baby kittens playing with toys. Cold and warm fronts. Weekly forecast. Exotic food. Terrorism. Movie reviews. More baby animals. More nuclear threats. That's how the news works and people seriously wonder why people are so emotionally numb or confused.5 points
*Going to bed at midnight yesterday* "Oh boy, I'm gonna get up early tomorrow and get
Breezeep and 4 others reacted to an_mutt for a status update
*Going to bed at midnight yesterday* "Oh boy, I'm gonna get up early tomorrow and get so much work done!" *Wake up at 1PM today* Oh, well, that works too.5 points -
There's nothing better than the distant sound of rain hitting a tin roof.
NEANDERTHAL and 2 others reacted to Jaxxoon R for a status update
There's nothing better than the distant sound of rain hitting a tin roof.3 points -
I hate when people play music on their phones in the breakroom. Inconsiderate.
mrthejoshmon and one other reacted to Tracer for a status update
I hate when people play music on their phones in the breakroom. Inconsiderate.2 points -
I love all of you, especially ladies.......and gentleman...but, no homo :D
Xyzzу and one other reacted to leodoom85 for a status update
I love all of you, especially ladies.......and gentleman...but, no homo :D2 points -
Sorry about the lack of updates on my map, it's just something happened to me, someon
Benjogami and one other reacted to SFoZ911 for a status update
Sorry about the lack of updates on my map, it's just something happened to me, someone to more accurate and I could not concentrate on mapping too much. I'm slowly recovering and I'm trying to come back to it. Not much to show, but I guarantee you that I'm working on it.2 points -
1 Monster Megawad
Fraston reacted to CapnClever for a file
Playability notes: PrBoom+ with -complevel 9 works: had an issue on MAP23 without it, possibly there are others. 1 Monster Megawad tries for a novel gameplay gimmick and, for the most part, fails to care about it. You'd think, with such a radical limitation, that more mappers would be willing to adopt a more innovative mindset, but a majority of the maps here coincidentally implement the given limitation rather than embrace it. There are enough maps to pick and choose a good few, but it's really not worth going through the entire set. The limitation is fairly obvious if you don't expect a jokewad: the entire map must contain only a single monster type. (MAP10's Pain Elemental map produces Lost Souls, so I don't know whether to discredit it altogether or consider it a technical exception.) This is a very restricting limitation when it comes to gameplay. Thus, my normal criteria are eschewed: instead, I consider chiefly whether the map justifies its use of a single monster type, and then consider how well the gameplay stems from it. My expectation was that Archvile and Cyberdemon maps would be a shoe-in, with the others depending on their context. How wrong I was! Unlike most reviews, where I do something of a highlight rundown, I'll go through each map I thought successfully used its single monster type and why (expect verbosity, though you can just read the underlined item for map recommendations): MAP05: Infested (Demon). The weakest example, though that's due only to execution: it tries hard to exercise the demons in interesting yet familiar ways (killing with barrels and crushers), but most cases simply fall short. However, if nothing else, it tried, which is far more than I can say for those that didn't make this list. MAP06: Claws of the Imp (Imp, duh). While this fodder enemy is hard to make an entire map out of, the provided gameplay makes up for its contextual dearth. Going through berserk fist, then shotgun or chaingun (depending on route) keeps the player interested in using an appropriate weapon on the imp; and the intimate use of space keeps the player pressured throughout. It's not the best example, as the imp really has no redeeming features to play off of, but the limitation doesn't feel forced, and that's good enough. MAP08: Buckshot Waltz (Sergeant). Similar to MAP06, though the shotgunner is can easily pressure and is also easier to kill: the pacing of the level reflects that. The highlight comes from the final major encounter in a medium arena filled (and continued to fill) with shotgunners, where the partial invisibility powerup becomes a boon but also a time limit in which killing everything quickly becomes vital to survival. MAP09: Chamber of Souls (Lost Soul). The constant movement from one section to the next simultaneous with the addition of more and more Lost Souls places the player in constant motion, desperate for infighting on generally low ammo and few (if any) positions of safety. The final fight is just nonsensical fun, though honestly half of these levels should have that just to show off what can be done with these enemies. MAP11: Mausolem (Spectre). Not a great level, but it uses the spectre in such an impressive manner that I couldn't help but be enamored. Specifically: the level is very large and begins with ice texture, making the spectre incredibly easy to spot; when you're moved into darker and more complex textures, however, the spectre assumes its gimmicky invisible state. The result is that you're psychologically compelled to forget about the possibility of a spectre in these darker areas, since you're used to seeing them easily, and it's very amusing to be surprised by what should be an obvious encounter. MAP12: Baron Citadel (Baron). Hard to believe this was a success, as this enemy tends to be even more boring than an imp, but it worked! A few cramped hallways aside, the baron's generous HP combined with ammo starvation makes for an interesting setup. I was likely making the map more interesting myself by ignoring enemies at times, though in hindsight it appeared somewhat required given the available supplies. The final encounter is especially neat, managing to make a baron that completely blocks the pathway (aka a "door with health") apply constant pressure indirectly via the nearby horde. MAP15: Spook House (Spectre). Most certainly the strongest map in the entire set, as its well-polished aesthetic greatly adds to the gameplay challenge. The use of spectres is never especially dense, but always frightening, as you basically have to wait until they're attempting to chomp you. Combined with ammo starvation, it's an exhilarating but tense map using what is normally a very simple enemy. MAP20: Bony Encounter (Revenant). Honestly, this should have been on my list of "enemies that naturally work by themselves", as revenants are an incredibly versatile enemy that fit in many places. This level uses them in all the expected ways and gives the player quite a few means to approach them. A solid, if safe, handling of the single-monster limitation. MAP22: Triad of the Minds (Spider Mastermind). Finally, a level with only a few enemies used in interesting ways! This is what I had ideally anticipated throughout the mapset, and to think it only came up once with this infamously difficult-to-place monster type. Ultimately, they're used primarily as turrets (with the exception of an amusing albeit easy Cat & Mouse section), but the level manages to stay interesting. A bit confusing on where to go, but I forgive that for actually following through on the gimmick. MAP24: The One God (John Romero head). If you know Scythe's MAP28, this is basically that map but replacing enemies with a frustrating endgame shootout. To do this map in one go would certainly be an achievement, as there are numerous lethal mistakes to be had. You could say this would be technically allowed for any monster type, but to consider this as an "Icon of Sin map" (as described by the text file) sets it apart from, say, a door with health ending. Oddly enough, the Archvile and Cyberdemon maps were less interesting than their historical counterparts (Plutonia's Hunted and Cyberdreams, respectively). Aside from the above 9 maps, the remaining 16 failed to capitalize on actually using their monster type to make a good level. Instead you see numerous non-limited blueprints of maps that happen to contain only a single monster type, which thoroughly defeats the purpose of the limitation! Just about every one would be improved by ignoring the limitation and putting in whatever enemies actually make sense. If you're curious what I think could be used for enemies that didn't make the cut: Former Humans and SS should just be a fun slaughtering (rockets and BFG ahoy), as you can't expect to get much fun out of them otherwise. I suppose you could try some barrel setups, but that seems forced. Chaingunners are an enemy that's great at suppressing the player's available movement. A map where you have to struggle to find a weapon that can kill the many turrets keeping you down would be satisfying. Hell Knights are a tough sell, similar to imps, but I imagine a level similar to MAP06 (albeit heavier weapon progression) could work in a pinch. Mancubi are also good as suppression, though I would personally go with close-up turrets and awkward weaponry (probably a chaingun or rocket launcher). The challenge should come from expertly avoiding the barrage of missiles while you focus your aim. Maybe throw in a forced partial invisibility to make it crazier! Pain Elementals... there are plenty of ways to go right here. Rocket-only weaponry is powerful but threatening; using them as untouchable spawners for infinite lost souls as you're forced into quick navigation; keeping them an arm's length away to prevent blocking the spawn while you're stuck in a small arena to fend off multiple points of attack. Archviles really should have been an easy success. Archvile jumps are a shoe-in, or the teleporting vile like in Plutonia's Caughtyard, or using shootable switches for cover, or berserk fist fights, or building a massive playground with the inevitable approach of a horde, heck anything besides what was done here. Cyberdemons should also be fairly easy, what with an entire megawad's worth of inspiration on weaponless challenges alone. I should not be expected to use a chaingun on a Cyberdemon, let's leave it at that. Forcing 2-3 BFG shots would be bold but fun for many (and possibly educational for the rest). The most important part here wasn't so much the quality of the level as the quality of the idea. Had all of the levels in the mapset provided a clear and effective usage of their enemies that wouldn't have worked well using other enemies, I would've at least enjoyed what the levels were capable of. As it stands, I recommend playing the underlined levels above from pistol start and skip the rest.1 point -
https://www.acen.org/2017-guest-announcement-worldwide-famous-anime-singer-mayn/ well
Walter confetti reacted to SaladBadger for a status update
https://www.acen.org/2017-guest-announcement-worldwide-famous-anime-singer-mayn/ well, I'm pretty damn hyped about this, since this is happening in my area. whee1 point -
Hopefully finishing 1Monster: twitch.tv/capnclever
Sporku reacted to CapnClever for a status update
Hopefully finishing 1Monster: twitch.tv/capnclever1 point -
The first witcher is free on gog. Go get it. Source.1 point
Me: I should really work on my final paper. Creative Urges: Good story plot! Like a p
Benjogami reacted to Battle_Korbi for a status update
Me: I should really work on my final paper. Creative Urges: Good story plot! Like a pro-procastrinaaaator has to finish--- Me: No, I really mean it. My future depends on it! Creative Urges: Sounds like a good time-traveling jokes. Me: I'm serious! Creative Urges: You should continue writing that stupid fic you started last night. Me: Fair enough. I cannot let my plot bunnies run away! Creative Urges: Gooood, let the procastrination flow through you... >:)1 point -
i need to make proper friends really, i'm so good at edging away from a conversation and then expecting the same people i avoid to flock to the things i create and say nice stuff. it tanks all my projects too1 point
1 point