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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/17 in all areas

  1. This is a status update. PLEASE LIKE ME
    10 points
  2. Xyzzу

    status update

    status update
    6 points
  3. i hope someone quietly forks PRBoom+ to do the mapinfo thing while all the devs are squabbling about which process everyone should be forced to use
    4 points
  4. Linguica

    Omfg birthday, omfg impse, etc

    Omfg birthday, omfg impse, etc
    4 points
  5. Coming to the end of my first ever overnight shift at this hotel. I have to say, it is pretty creepy being the only staff member in a hotel on your own for over 6 hours. All in all it is definitely the easiest shift by a long way, so I hope to sign up for more night shifts. I also will have earned a lot more money this shift due to being able to get my head down and work on some freelance work WHILE getting paid to man the desk here at the hotel, heh.
    3 points
  6. Remilia Scarlet

    "May the 4th be wi-"

    "May the 4th be wi-"
    2 points
  7. geo

    I have for you a gift!

    I have for you a gift!
    2 points
  8. Hey Dragonfly, what map is that in your profile header? The amount of detail on it is making me cry a little.
    2 points
  9. Ever thought "Damn I want to beat that Decay guy up in DM one day"? Now is your chance to try. Forums are dead now so come play the game. Progressive Duel on Zandronum, I'll take any and all challengers. Server name: [TSPG] Painkiller: Fat Prog Duel
    1 point
  10. I just noticed @Linguica's avatar is now animated. Love it! (no pun intended)
    1 point
  11. Chrysler New Yorker

    I'm alive!

    I'm alive!
    1 point
  12. I love to recommending newbie to play hell revealed 2 and watch them shit in their pants on HK jumpscare part.
    1 point
  13. Explaining externalities when you do not take the class you're in seriously: Imagine a man smoking a cigar walking down a bridge. As he is walking down that bridge, a barge is going under it. The man decides to toss his cigar over the edge of the bridge, still lit. Meanwhile, the captain of this barge has his window open because he is smoking a cigarette. The wind happens to catch the falling cigar in such a way that it hits the captain in the eye, causing him to spill his coffee all over his control panel, shorting out all control mechanisms. As the captain tries to gather himself, he slips on the coffee, hitting his head on the corner of a control panel and dies. The barge is now a floating battering ram. But from the outside, everything appears to be going as planned. But upstream is a fork in the river. Go left, and you will arrive at the next lock system where you can undergo your standard barge inspection as planned, go right and you will be headed right toward the terrorists. There happened to be a wind blowing in from the West on this day, so when it came time to decide which way to go, nature decided that this barge on this day was taking the right fork, taking the barge toward certain death. However, when the terrorists saw the approaching barge and took their offensive positions, they had no idea that the captain was already dead. This would prove to be their downfall, as the barge (which would normally have stopped at the demand of the gun toting terrorists) kept barreling forward with no man at the helm, destroying the terrorist base and effectively ending the war on terror. The externality being experienced here is actually being experienced by the son of the police officer who got caught up writing a ticket to the first man mentioned in this story for polluting (he threw his cigar over the bridge). The officer's son was relying on him to drop off some lunch money at school for him, but due to the man seen throwing a cigar over the bridge, the officer was held up and unable to bring money to his son. The externality here is negative, and it can be internalized (solved) by always remembering not to litter.
    1 point
  14. Ey, you're the guy that doesn't like GZDoom!
    1 point
  15. Bellaco


    Is amazing with project brutality + PSX Doom Music Mod .... Thanks.
    1 point
  16. Well, this past month has been a thing. Sobriety is fucking boring, but I've been keeping myself busy with all manner of projects. I still have cravings every so often, usually just a passing fancy, but sometimes it's a strong compulsion that takes over for a while and makes me feel like I'm going to fucking explode. It hasn't been easy but it is getting easier, and I am feeling a lot healthier in general.
    1 point
  17. I'm debating on how to store the textures: in a wadfile or as files in a directory in the pk3.
    1 point
  18. That moment when you realize that over 400 textures that you have used for years have black as their transparent color instead of cyan, and that they all have to be changed.
    1 point
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