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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/17 in all areas

  1. Today I was chased by some bird screaming things and being lewd to me. I've never been so scared in my life- a local camera caught the footage live.
    3 points
  2. Power outage at work time to go home!
    3 points
  3. 2 days before graduation... Quickly read through some notes than play some doom 2 mods
    2 points
  4. YO, who want's to deathmatch? Join the doomshack chat and let's get a game going: http://www.doomshack.org/doomchat.html
    1 point
  5. Evolution of the WAD E4 is live! twitch.tv/capnclever
    1 point
  6. I often wonder if it is possible to reach a "ceiling" in term of skills when it comes to DOOM. For the longest time i've considered myself a decent doomer, at least until i started watching other doomers, but i've never really managed to tackle on the more "notorious" megawads. I feel i reached my "ceiling" as a doomer and i'm not sure how i could improve from there, there're so many good maps released but it seems i often comes to a "wall" that i cannot surmount when i play...most of them. We're not talking "pistol start" playthrough but continuous ones (where you keep gears from last map, etc) considering some of these levels are hellish even with "continuous" i can't fathom how i'd pull it off from pistol start. I always play on UV, without save but yeah...i feel like i've reached my "potential" as a doomer and do question whether or not it's possible, for me, to improve further. Gotta say, my ceiling is pretty unimpressive.
    1 point
  7. wait this is a castlevania character this is a castlevania character THIS IS A CASTLEVANIA CHARACTER what
    1 point
  8. WORLD EXTERMINATION RADIO ft. Doomkid Live broadcast starting shortly (probably) LIVE@TWITCH
    1 point
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