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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/17 in all areas

  1. Development screenie dump: Older pics first Day 1 of detailing Other part of room Day 2 of detailing: texture Frankensteinery abounds; all stock Doom 1 textures Dk called this light "adorable" on seeing it for the first time; coincidentally so did I when I made it, lol Day 3; stuff on ceiling Other view Other view This and the wall conveniently not pictured in the previous shots are the next areas to detail, hopefully with less lines involved, heh
    11 points
  2. No End In Sight by Emil Brundage aka "NaturalTvventy", Xaser Acheron, and Christopher Lutz (review posted 3/3/17)
    4 points
  3. DooM Resurrection Episode One by Tommie Quick aka "Fatal" (review posted 04/23/17) (p.s. i aten't dead)
    3 points
  4. Tristan


    2 points
  5. Linguica

    2 points
  6. This area's only a third done, but I like the way it's turning out so much I wanted to share it:
    2 points
  7. My Panophobia laundry list is set! Now to actually start working on it...
    2 points
  8. Guest



    This is the first non-speedmapping map I have released. The map is launched on level 12 in order to use the right sky texture, it was originally going to be a part of the Nova III release. Torn is a tribute to Sunder, taking inspiration from several maps, mostly from Pale Monument. A few components from it are copied and tweaked (a staircase, two large pillars, and two detailing elements). The building exterior across from the was based on one of the maps in Nova III, which was supposed to create continuity. Other than that, it's entirely original.
    1 point
  9. Hello everyone, this is RestlessRodent (they/them/their) where I used to go by the name of GhostlyDeath. I am writing this as a goodbye. I will no longer be a part of this community and I will not be working on ReMooD any more. I will be honest and say that for the past few years I have not really been a part of it at all. Personally I have gone through some rough times and it was really tough. However now I have seen where I can be happy and be myself. I have also accepted myself and who I am and I no longer want to be afraid of myself. It is a great feeling. To be honest, I have felt much pain here and I am going to let it go. I have changed so much since I first started being in the community. For those of you who I had spent time with, I enjoyed it. I do know that I have been quite abrasive in the past which has rubbed people the wrong way. I want to apologize for this and I hope you can forgive me. I have met many friends here and I want to thank all of you for being as such, continue being awesome! It is time that I accept that ReMooD is a failure of a source port. I have rebooted it so many times in the past with rewrites, feature creep, and other such things. The goal post I kept setting has always been out of reach. Even if I set the post to a closer point it is still out of reach. At this point I barely work on it and I just never have the heart to work on it at all. Probably my most successful project was one that I never really intended to be successful in the first place, which is ChocoRenderLimits. Basically it was created to help Esselfortium in developing her rather ambitious vanilla level set. Since this project is still so useful to people I have handed it away. It is something that something you want to be successful fails completely but something you never intended to be in the first place was. One thing I encourage is to learn programming so that you too can experiment on source ports. Hacking Doom has really helped me increase my skill level because the effect of what I did had a fun result. I would say that if you do have a hobby project, keep it fun and not a hobby. However, do consider things like refactoring and burn out in mind. It might be tough at first, but believe in yourself and you can do it. To level designers, keep designing levels because you are pretty awesome at it. To be honest I have not played a new WAD in years. If you are asking yourself why? I have only just been in with my foot keeping it open for the chance to come back for the past few years. A few times I reached in with my knee but it always went back to the foot. So I am going to close the door now and move on. I will ask that in the future, please do not bother me about ReMooD or ChocoRenderLimits. Thank you and may our paths potentially cross in the future!
    1 point
  10. screenshot from a level im working on
    1 point
  11. Here is a preview of my first level, its going to be one of the levels on my main wad once i have finished the others
    1 point
  12. 7 months, then I'll be free from chains, becoming next sergeant of the System.
    1 point
  13. Goofing about with the Pointman class. FEAR inspired, I thought the map would fit well.
    1 point
  14. Today I was chased by some bird screaming things and being lewd to me. I've never been so scared in my life- a local camera caught the footage live.
    1 point
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